From An Exorcist More Stories by Fr. Gabriele Amorth
Nefarious influence of certain music
In the United States there exists an association of witches and other adherents to the occult called WICCA, which has now expanded internationally. This organization boasts many members. It is said that they own three record companies produce each record with the goal of contributing to corruption and inner disintegration of the psychology young people. They practice satanism and consecrate themselves to the person of Satan. Every one of their records describes with precision the inner condition necessary for a disciple of Satan and invites everyone to celebrate his glory**;** honor, and praise… Because they are consecrated to the cult of Satan, they also disseminate their satanic principles in many of their songs-even if not in all of their music. These organizations] produce music with a single purpose: to lead youth into satanism, that is, Satan’s cult.Records consecrated to Satan are based on the following four principles:
*Beat. *The first important item is the rhythm, called beat, which mimics the sexual act. Abruptly, the listeners arecaught up in a frenzy designed to produce a sort of hysteria. It is the result of the sexual instinct, which is aroused through the use of beat.
*Volume intensity. *The volume is deliberately set to at least seven decibels above the tolerance level of our nervous system. Prolonged exposure to such a noise level induces a type of depression, rebelliousness, and aggression. When this happens, we tell ourselves, without realizing the implications: “After all, I did nothing wrong. I only listened to music the entire evening.” (Many educators and parents who are completely in the dark about the reality of these records are under the same delusion.) On the contrary! We become victims of a well-devised and calculated strategy to bypass the nervous system and achieve a precise goal: to bring the audiences into a state of disorder and confusion. At this point, the listeners, in a frenzy to actualize the beat, the rhythm they have heard all evening, risk being lured as new recruits into the ranks of Satan’s apprentices, and then the songwriters will have realized their ultimate goal.
*Subliminal signal: *the third principle. Subliminal signs are transmitted at such a high pitch that we are unable to hear them. The signal is meant to disorient; at an intensity of 3,000 kilocycles per second, it acts on our unconscious, but our ears cannot capture it precisely because it is supersonic. Unbeknownst to us, the brain produces a natural drug as a result of the stimuli it receives, and it disorients us. Suddenly, we feel strange. This strange feeling induces us to seek real drugs and causes drug addicts to increase their intake.
*Ritual consecration of every record during a black mass. *This is the fourth element. Before each record is released on the market, it is consecrated to Satan through a ritual that is a true black mass.
If you ever take the time to analyze the words of these songs [words that may be hidden and only perceptible by listening to the record backwards], you will realize that the general subject is always the same: rebellion against parents, against society, against all that exists; the unleashing of all sexual instincts; and the urge to create an anarchist state with the ultimate triumph of Satan’s universal kingdom. A few songs are hymns specifically dedicated to Satan.
After what we have said, who would dare to deny the danger of the evil one’s influence? He can count on many accomplices on the way to rebellion and hatred. In Revelation, we read: “Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus” (Rev I2:I7).