This is a very interesting issue as secular/modern contemporary music plays such a big role in our society today, more than, in my opinion, it has throught any societies in recent history.
As someone others have said, music is both objective and subjective, and also I would add, interpretive. In some obvious cases, if there are lyrics to a certain song, and these lyrics obviously demonstrate/convey evil notions, then the music is clearly evil. Then, which I would say in most prevalent in our society today, there are songs with lyrics that do not directly imply any evil notions when you listen to them, but upon reflecting upon them strenuously, (which I really think is required today to determine if it does have evil notions and therefore whether we should or should not listen to it), we may well determine that they indirectly in some way imply evil notions or ideas. And by evil, this can signify many things. (with music today, it doesn’t have to be Ozzy Osbourne or anyhting-in fact it is just about always more subtle than that) As we know as Catholics, evil takes many forms-the angel of darkness is a clever beast and know what evils we as a people are most susceptible too. Therefore, we must be very careful when considering and determining what modern music to listen to today, considering the society we live in in America today. Also, another aspect of this may be with music videos, as most secular groups today in the music industry use them. These can also be clear indicators as to the specific intent and message of the song and lyrics, as the essentially illustrate them. Then, to cap it off, there are groups who don’t have any lyrics in there songs, wherein it is very difficult to determine intent of the song and lyrics. In this case, I would basically say that, if you feel as though by listening to the rhythms they are somehow leading you to evil thoughts of some kind, then I would not listen to them.
in the end though, I would say that, excluding songs that clearly through music demonstrate contempt for good, is not inherently evil. Might we not say that the evilness or equally goodness is determined by our perception and interpretation of the music?
Grace of Christ on your discernment,