My last thread was about my husband’s affair(s) and whether or not I should try to get passed it and make things work. He had expressed wanting to try to get passed this and working on ourselves and then on our marriage, things were moving along…slowly, but nonetheless they were moving along, I was in the process of finding therapy for myself and someone for him. He, of course, had agreed to it and last night after I got upset with him for getting home two hours after he said he’d be home without calling he stated that maybe things were just not going to work out and that the baby and I would be better off without him. I of course told him that this was not for our benefit but for his own, this was the easy way out. I also know that the girl after finding out that he is indeed married…because I told her…was still calling him and he was talking to her also…I don’t know what the conversations were about but I feel that she finally got to him. I, the angry wife who wants answers, is what he has at home and she is the one with the loving, extended, open arms just waiting and pining for him…obviously she would be the more attractive choice instead of having to deal with our reality. I still plan on going to counseling, but should I just let him go…do I continue to fight to save this marriage even if he’s not willing to do it. He seems to think that “love” is just a feeling and when it’s not there anymore there’s nothing to fight for…I happen to believe that love is a choice a commitment even when you don’t “feel” that you love that person very much at the time, and I told him that, I just don’t know if it really makes a difference anymore. When is it just time to throw in the towel? It’s only been three weeks since I found out although we’ve been having problems for a while…is there any hope?