You are carrying a terribly heavy cross. My heart and prayers go out to you and your child. Other people who have been in similar situations know just how difficult a decision it is to choose between persevering in a marriage that has had such a terrible breach of trust or separating. Neither choice seems acceptable. Only you can feel what your breaking point is. As I’ve stated before, physical abuse is not the only abuse which can be dangerous to a spouse. Mental and emotional abuse can take a terrible toll and you need to take care of yourself in order to take care of your child. Try to give the situation a little more time to see what develops and to give yourself the peace of mind that if your husband doesn’t turn around that you can say to yourself that you have done all you knew how to do to save the marriage. You can’t carry a marriage alone. Never stop praying. Just saying the Lord’s name is a prayer if you don’t have the strength for more formal prayers.
Continue the counseling for yourself. I’ll also pray that your husband wakes up and realizes how much he has wronged you and God and that he begs for forgiveness.
You are carrying a terribly heavy cross. My heart and prayers go out to you and your child. Other people who have been in similar situations know just how difficult a decision it is to choose between persevering in a marriage that has had such a terrible breach of trust or separating. Neither choice seems acceptable. Only you can feel what your breaking point is. As I’ve stated before, physical abuse is not the only abuse which can be dangerous to a spouse. Mental and emotional abuse can take a terrible toll and you need to take care of yourself in order to take care of your child. Try to give the situation a little more time to see what develops and to give yourself the peace of mind that if your husband doesn’t turn around that you can say to yourself that you have done all you knew how to do to save the marriage. You can’t carry a marriage alone. Never stop praying. Just saying the Lord’s name is a prayer if you don’t have the strength for more formal prayers.
Continue the counseling for yourself. I’ll also pray that your husband wakes up and realizes how much he has wronged you and God and that he begs for forgiveness.