That is a deep and profound observation. And that’s why we recognize that life is short and we need to live it as fully as possible, in as good a way as possible.
So what makes you so sure that you’re NOT being deceived?SDA teach soul sleep. And this makes them happy. Safe and secure.
But the are spirituality deceived.
But it’s comfortable being deceived.
Dockins was deceived. So it’s EASY being deceived.
I’d like to gather some perspective on the concept of simply falling into non-existence (as many modern atheists profess - such as Richard Dawkins) vs life-after-death.
I am not looking for proof or rebuttal of the proposal, there are zillions of threads/articles/books on that. I am more looking for the believers contemplation of the idea from either a fear, or a theological, or both perspective.
What is your perspective on, for example, fear of the proposal in terms of, what if it is true. Now I know there are posters who may reply that there is a zero likely-hood of it being true. I respectively am not looking to debate that.
and they’re all dead…once again reality trumps democracy.every generation before me believed in an afterlife… Democracy has spoken.
Understandable…I’m going to be honest, the thought of not-existing after I die is quite terrifying to me. The thought that all my ideas and pleasant memories would be just erased, or that I’d never experience such things again, is not something I can find any comfort in. Worse yet, without life-after-death I’d never be able to see my dead relatives again, and some of them I miss very dearly.