How do I know if I’m getting the grace, if I’m not progressing in sanctity?You wrote: “If I’m ignored by God, that’s pretty much abandonment to the devil.”
A. God gives grace so is not abandoning people.
Precisely, so I’m in the dark, looking for the light.You wrote: “And how does one know if they are cooperating “good enough”?”
A. Before was posted the teaching that one cannot be certain without a divine revelation. Same for all of us.
In those two areas, there is no help.You wrote: “But I can’t get any help in my life.”
A. You believe that God does not help you, but that is contrary to the teachings of the Church.
Because God said no. God does not change his will, so that no is permanent. That’s how I know my boy will stay mentally ill until he dies.A. You wrote “not here on earth” but do not say how you can be certain that is must wait for heaven.
If God cared about the temporal, he would not say no to reasonable requests (i.e. not violating scripture).You wrote: “I agree. I wish God understood that, and cared about the temporal things.”
A. Not sure what you agree with. God cares for the person that is both body and soul.
You wrote: “Reducing spiritual punishment is a mercy. Why is not reducing temporal punishment or suffering not a mercy?”
A. Generally physical healing occurs secondarily from spiritual healing.
But without the temporal healing, the spiritual healing says that God only cares about the spiritual and not the temporal.