The loss of millions of American lives and millions of Japanese civilians, and the bombing, gassing and destruction of many Japanese cities. had the war continued. Further, those defending the bombing say that both cities were military targets. (As I said, I agree that the bombing was unjustified. I am only saying that I don’t think you will have any luck convincing those who beleive otherwise). They go on to say that the Japanese Leadership was arming the entire population whom they expected to fight to the last man against the anticipated Invasion of the Home Islands. Also, one report says that the USA had planned to use poison gas and kill 5 million Japanese civilians, if they did not use the atomic bomb. This certainly was a greater evil than the atomic bomb.What was the greater evil?
Obviously, I don’t like the source of the following report, but it does not necesarily mean that the report is not accurate?
American Leaders Planned Poison Gas Attack Against Japan
by Mark Weber
A long-suppressed report written in June 1945 by the US Army’s Chemical Warfare Service shows that American military leaders made plans for a massive preemptive poison gas attack to accompany an invasion of Japan. The 30-page document designated “gas attack zones” on detailed maps of Tokyo and other major Japanese cities. Army planners selected 50 urban and industrial targets in Japan, with 25 cities, including Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Kobe and Kyoto, listed as “especially suitable for gas attacks.”
In planning the invasion of Japan proper, America’s military and political leaders expected the Japanese to fight with fanatic fervor in defense of their home islands. The overall US plan, code-named “Operation Downfall,” called for a two-stage invasion. An assault on the southernmost Japanese home island of Kyushu, code-named “Operation Olympic,” was set for November 1, 1945. This was to be followed by “Operation Coronet,” scheduled for March 1946: an invasion of the main Japanese home island of Honshu, including an assault on Tokyo.
“Gas attacks of the size and intensity recommended on these 250 square miles of urban population,” the US Army report declared, “might easily kill 5,000,000 people and injure that many more.” In the first attack, which would be launched 15 days before the Kyushu landings, American bombers would drench much of Tokyo and other cities in an early morning attack with 54,000 tons of lethal phosgene gas. Tokyo would be the largest poison gas target, because an “attack of this size against an urban city of large population should be used to initiate gas warfare.”
The report’s three authors recommended that the US Joint Chiefs of Staff issue “a policy at once directing the use of toxic gas on both strategic and tactical targets in support of Operation Olympic.” Planners called for the use of four kinds of gas, including phosgene (or carbonyl chloride), mustard gas, and hydrogen cyanide. The gas attack study was approved by the chief of the US Chemical Warfare Service, Major General William N. Porter. Only five copies were made of the top secret document, whose existence was first made public in July 1991.