Is Pope Francis right on climate change?

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Laudato Si identifies climate change as an environmental problem that demands immediate action. Pope Francis believes that human CO2 emissions are causing dangerous global warming or climate change. Is he justified in this belief?
I fail to see how Climate Change is a matter of faith and morals.
please 'splain yerself.
Read the question again. I answered in the affirmative. It can’t be that difficult to follow.

If you’re looking for a scientific treatise on why he is right, then use the browser of your choice and spend some of your bandwith on checking it out for yourself. And please don’t think we’ll be spending the next half a dozen posts seeing who has the best links to the best information supporting whichever position one holds. I have better things to do with my time.
I was writing on a similar topic but I don’t know how to link to it.

It was titled. Vatican Ropes in Global Leaders to fight climate Change/ modern slavery brought in by a CNA bot.

I would like to hear your opinions on it.
It’s not.

I concur that those arguing that it is an urgent matter oughta do some 'splainin.

How could it not be? There are people who are suffering because of the changes in the climate and we have a moral responsibility to them and those who suffer in the future. We must take care of our planet and do things to help those suffering the effects of climate change if we care about people at all…Which I hope we do as Christians…
Laudato Si identifies climate change as an environmental problem that demands immediate action. Pope Francis believes that human CO2 emissions are causing dangerous global warming or climate change. Is he justified in this belief?
Most definitely…! The time was yesterday, barring that we must start today!
It’s not.

I concur that those arguing that it is an urgent matter oughta do some 'splainin.

Talk about needing some splainin…how can anyone conclude stewardship of God’s creation is nothing but a mater of faith and morals?
… Pope Francis believes that human CO2 emissions are causing dangerous global warming or climate change. Is he justified in this belief?
please 'splain yerself.
Uh-oh, here we go again… As a scientist who understands the basic physics behind it, I would have to say it’s a sure thing. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. That is to say it absorbs and emits infrared light in a way that tends to warm the planet’s surface. That’s just physics. Sensible people can argue over how much heat the CO2 keeps in, or other factors like the greenhouse effect of water vapor, cooling and warming due to cloud coverage, CO2 emissions of volcanoes, solar output variation, effects of other industrial emissions like soot, methane, etc., but I don’t think anyone has come up with a scientific argument that our massive CO2 emissions are going to make the planet any cooler. And so what if there are other factors that we do not fully understand or have control over? That is a poor argument for inaction with respect to the factors that we do understand and have control over.
How could it not be? There are people who are suffering because of the changes in the climate and we have a moral responsibility to them and those who suffer in the future. We must take care of our planet and do things to help those suffering the effects of climate change if we care about people at all…Which I hope we do as Christians…
That is a pretty far stretch compared to what we traditional think of as faith and morals.
How could it not be? There are people who are suffering because of the changes in the climate and we have a moral responsibility to them and those who suffer in the future. We must take care of our planet and do things to help those suffering the effects of climate change if we care about people at all…Which I hope we do as Christians…
Who are the people suffering from climate change?
I definitely believe in stewardship of God’s planet, but I don’t believe global warming is what a lot of people are making it out to be.
And so what if there are other factors that we do not fully understand or have control over? That is a poor argument for inaction with respect to the factors that we do understand and have control over.
So we are supposed to spend Billions of dollars to try to stop something that we do not fully understand and may not have any ability to control? Wouldn’t that money be better spent on something we can have a reasonable amount of confidence will work?
So we are supposed to spend Billions of dollars to try to stop something that we do not fully understand and may not have any ability to control? Wouldn’t that money be better spent on something we can have a reasonable amount of confidence will work?
I’m agreeing with you at this time. Until I hear more reasoning… you know, with facts…
So we are supposed to spend Billions of dollars to try to stop something that we do not fully understand and may not have any ability to control? Wouldn’t that money be better spent on something we can have a reasonable amount of confidence will work?
We have no choice. Climate change is impacting us all and it if first affecting the most vulnerable in our world, the poor. So the sooner we do something about it the better.
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