I’ve spent a few minutes trying to find if there is any detailed explanation of what is meant by “objectively disordered”. I could find not much of help, but I did find this:
Although the particular inclination of the homosexual person is not a sin, it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; and thus the inclination itself must be seen as an
objective disorder. Source:
Now is this “objective” in the sense of “not subjective”, or in the sense of ordered towards something (an object) that is an intrinsic moral evil (what the catechism calls “Intrinsically disordered”). From this, it sounds more like the latter.
The meaning of “objectively disordered”, and the perspective that SMGS has raised, is discussed in the following (extracted from a non-authoritative source (a blog), so I don’t think useful to link the source, but can if wanted):
*When the Church specifically speaks of the homosexual “inclination” in paragraph 2358, she refers to an inclination to engage in the acts which she unequivocally declared to be “intrinsically disordered” and from what I can gather from the text, nothing else. This is why writers like Melinda Selmys and Joshua Gonnerman aren’t wrong for the things they say. One common objection that is made on this matter and is often used to construct a huge argument that basically amounts to a wicker man in which they are attempting to burn the person with whom they have disagreement is that “‘objectively disordered’ has to mean something, right?” What they don’t realize is that while the homosexual inclination is itself objectively disordered, the overall experience of the homosexual, even including falling in love, is not objectively disordered, and while people like those aforementioned are trying to illustrate a way in which the homosexual person’s experience can be construed as good, even their attractions, which are not inextricably tied to their desire for sex, they are not trying to say that the homosexual inclination itself is good. No one is trying to make this claim or back it up in any way whatsoever. Again, for good measure, I will repeat, once and for all - No orthodox Catholic believes the homosexual inclination is itself good or even bad. It is objectively disordered and bears no moral consequence in itself.
To conflate or to interchange the overall orientation (the overall experience of the homosexual) with the singular inclination to engage in same-sex sexual activity is not only incorrect, but has been used by some members of both the laity and the clergy (albeit mostly in good faith) to educate homosexual persons within the Church about themselves and has caused very much confusion and hurt feelings.*