Indeed! Lets get back to the discussion: Is romantic attraction sexual in nature?
I say, yes! It is the attraction to others for the purposes of mating.
I’m sorry but you just don’t have a convincing argument One Point. If I pen a letter to a woman telling her how beautiful she is and how my heart misses her presence, etc. etc. [cue the Middle Age oversappy romantic letters], you are suggesting that is a
sexual act? If I run my fingers through a girls hair and kiss her on the forehead, that is a
sexual act? Where does it end? Is holding someone’s hand a sexual act?
I do not feel my separation of the Greek terms for love has been adequately addressed. I do not see how an agape-based romantic act (e.g. Telling someone they are beautiful, or hugging them after a stressful day, or kissing them as a sign of your close bond) or a storge-based romantic act (pledging to take care of someone for the immediate future or
even until death) can be considered sexual. I also do not see how an exclusivity agreement must indicate possession. Does my wireless phone carrier “possess” me? Yet they have more of my “rights” locked away than a person in a storge commitment does, who is free to walk away at any time.
I have been in many, many relationships. I know what Eros romance is. I know exactly how it feels, why it is present, how one can use it to both expand on and better a relationship. However, I am proposing a relationship absent Eros, and I do not believe that demands either a lack of romance (for there are 3 types of romantic love) or commitment (for there are two types of romantic commitment). I do honestly feel that much of the opposition found on this forum is not grounded in opposition to my arguments but in disbelief of them. Disbelief that someone can enter into an exclusivity commitment without seeking possession. Disbelief that someone can kiss someone for a non-erotic reason. Disbelief that romance can lead in a direction other than sex. Lack of personal experience does not mean lack of existence, and I personally know all these things can be true.
There have been many gay and lesbian Catholics who have come to the same conclusion I did. If non-gay/lesbian Catholics want to handwring over it, I suggest you come up with answers to my arguments, instead of pretending my arguments can’t exist in the real world. In other words, explain why you believe storge love to be unique to marriage. Explain why you believe agape love to be unique to marriage. Explain why you believe acts that do not engage the sexual drive, sensual desire, genital activity, or sensual delight are still sexual in nature. I do not believe people can reasonably argue these points, and I believe this is why people are so desperate to challenge my premise. But my premise is real and solid. You don’t stand up when people are bullying someone you love because you want to have sex with them. You don’t seek to make someone that you love smile because you want to have sex with them. Romantic acts are so divorced from the sexual act as to be separate entities in themselves. The fact that the married seek to find ways to integrate the two does not imply a necessary connection between the two.
I find the idea that romance = sex position to be intensely rigorous and not based on Catholic doctrine but on a disbelief in those who can separate the two.