"One Point:
It is not about acts. It is about the attraction behind the acts that gives them certain meanings. what is it that informs a gay person that he is gay? It is the fact they experience this attraction for their own sex rather than the opposite sex. That does not mean that this attraction is not by design an attraction for male-female just because it is experienced by some people for the wrong sex. it only means it is disordered in gay people because it does not follow the design God has given it in nature. If its objective purpose is to draw the sexes together as male and female or wha the church calls physical and emotional complementarity and to be fruitfuil, it is not well-ordered when it arises between people of the same sex. This is involuntary of course. but it would make it problematic to deliberately nurture it in those circumstances.
But how do you tell which desires are sexual?
What I’m saying is that your earlier reasoning appears to be that because you only experience romantic attraction towards persons of the opposite sex, the attraction must be sexual in nature, and it is therefore inappropriate for any person to act on a similar attraction towards someone of the same sex.
But if we use that reasoning, we have to extend it to every attraction that some people feel only towards the opposite sex. So if some people only experience the desire to cuddle with the opposite sex, then that would be evidence that it is sexual, and that persons of the same sex should not engage in it. The same would be true of anything else that some people want to do only with members of the opposite sex.
If we reject this reasoning when it comes to a desire to cuddle, then why would we accept it with regard to other things?
It seems to me that “I’m straight, and I only want to do a particular activity with people of the opposite sex” isn’t sufficient evidence that the activity requires the complimentary natures of men and women. Cuddling doesn’t require maleness or femaleness. And I think it’s possible that some of the things we think of as “romantic” don’t, either.
Right. “Cuddling” is an example of something an activity not really to be engaged in by those of the same -sex. For such would be acting according to a disordered inclination towards the same sex.
Excepting family relationships - like father and a young son (if such could be called “cuddling”) or a mother and her daughter…that sort of thing.
I know lots of straight girls who like to cuddle with each other. For some people, it’s a normal thing to do with friends. For other people, it’s a romantic activity. It just depends.
Friends do not “cuddle” as boy friends and girl friends do.
Yes, they absolutely do. I have no idea what you consider cuddling to be, if you don’t think girls would engage in it with their friends.