That was a wrong choice of words on my part: the attraction that arises in puberty for the opposite sex and which we experience in what we popularly call crushes is a romantic interest. It draws us to the other as both different and desirable and before this aspect enters our consciousness, we do not experience these “crushes”. If you are saying this is not true, I really would be interested apart from gay people, how else crushes are experienced except as attractions between sexually compatibles individuals. a few examples.
I can’t really help you there. I didn’t suddenly notice boys at a certain age; I was always curious about gender differences, and after puberty I very occasionally noticed a few specific boys. But that experience of “noticing” people wasn’t some kind of sudden, unique experience. It reminded me of wanting to be friends with someone, even though it was different.
What would be evidence? You are basically saying that the way attraction is primarily experienced between males and females who are sexually compatible in ways not experienced between those who are not is not evidence of the how sexual or romantic attraction expresses itself. what would be if not that?
To find evidence that a given action is inherently sexual (using your meaning of the term), I think we would need to show that the complementary male and female natures are required for it. The two examples that immediately come to mind are sex (which obviously requires a male and female in order for the act to be procreative) and parenting (since children need/benefit from the influence of both a father and a mother).
I don’t see how things like cuddling or going on dates are comparable to sex or parenting (which you will note are also activities exclusive to married couples). It’s not like you need to combine maleness and femaleness in order to properly complete cuddling, or something. That’s why I don’t understand the arguments that such things are inherently wrong for people of the same sex to engage in.
It is one thing to say that the majority would not be the standard of how ALL sexual attraction is experienced. it is quite another to say that they are not evidence of how it IS in fact experienced.
I don’t understand this bit. I thought I was saying the former.
The majority provide relevant data and that data is evidence of general patterns of human behavior. it cannot just be dismissed. moreover, these subjective experiences can be objectively analysed in so far as their natural purpose is concerned.
I’m not arguing that we should dismiss the majority. I’m saying that even if lots of people experience or believe something, that’s not enough evidence to show that other experiences are disordered, or that other ways of experiencing attraction cannot be ordered towards good ends.
what is the goal of that kind of exclusive focus on an individual if not partnering? and what is the goal of that partnering?
An excellent question. Maybe romantic attraction always involves a desire to “partner” with someone, though not necessarily in a sexual way. There could be non-sexual reasons for wanting a primary relationship like that.
For instance, suppose that this desire to be with a partner is one of the things that draws men and women together and helps create stable marriages and families, along with shared faith, sexual attraction, trust, respect, etc. All of these play different roles in the marriage. Apart from sexual attraction, the other things can also exist on their own, between unmarried individuals.
What if what we’ve been calling “romantic attraction” is actually in that category? Ie, it’s very useful for a marriage and would hopefully be present in one, but it can also be present in other circumstances, and ordered towards positive goals?
That attraction behind the making out was described and it certainly was a romantic one. if your goal is to defend the making out then it is a non starter from the description of smgs herself: that was the point of the discussion leading up to her accusing me of laying spiritual traps for her
SMGS has said that she is using “romance” as a synonym for “love”. She claims that making out is a way of expressing love that is NOT erotic or sexual in nature (so I don’t see why that would be a bad intention). Therefore, if making out between people of the opposite sex is always wrong, then there are two options:
- SMGS is describing an impossible situation. Making out with someone can’t be a nonsexual way of expressing non-erotic love.
- SMGS’s intentions are pure, but making out is always immoral between members of the same sex, so this is not an acceptable was for SMGS to communicate her love or strengthen an emotional bond.
My goal isn’t to defend same-sex making out (I don’t know whether it’s permissible). My goal here is to show that it isn’t only a question about attractions. There are certain things that simply are not permissible between members of the same sex, the most obvious one being sex. It’s wrong to entertain the desire for that.
I think that whether acting on romantic attraction towards members of the same sex is sinful would depend on whether the desired actions are sinful, and that’s why I keep bringing up actions.