Grace & Peace!
Moreover, how can you equate being attracted to alcohol to being attracted to a human being? Surely human beings and alcohol are categorically different things?
Under the Mercy,
All is Grace and Mercy! Deo Gratias!
Gary, in what way can you logically justify describing a same-sex attracted person as addicted to same-sex attraction? That honestly makes no sense to me. Addiction and its processes are not involved. Also, same-sex attracted people are not attracted to same-sex attraction: that’s overly redundant and meaningless. They’re simply same-sex attracted.No the analogy is accurate and your thinking above is incorrect.
Attracted to alcohol is not addicted to alcohol, And being addicted to either SSA or Alcohol is destructive. And while being attracted to either may not be.
Moreover, how can you equate being attracted to alcohol to being attracted to a human being? Surely human beings and alcohol are categorically different things?
Under the Mercy,
All is Grace and Mercy! Deo Gratias!