There are certain aspects of the drug trade that I believe can and should be dealt with legally, but use is definitely not one. When cartels become their own governments and use force to keep their businesses going, that is a legal issue. Likewise, when people manufacture and distribute dangerous substances, and bring the associated dangers into their communities, that needs to be dealt with legally.
Trying to end drug use by punishing users, however, is ineffective at best, and inhumane and evil at worst. There really isn’t any upside to punishing a use, especially an addict. Addiction isn’t a joy ride, it is a painful disease that requires specialized treatment in many cases. Furthermore, making a substance illegal never prevents it from getting to people, it just raises the price and the allure.
Some substances, like alcohol and marijuana, are likely best handled through regulation so that they remain safe. Others aren’t safe in any measure and must be prohibited, but without punishment of the users. Some people are going to use and self-destruct, and we don’t do them any favors by compounding their suffering with jail and prison. Offer judgement free treatment and assistance for those that want out of their addictions and I think we’d see a much better civil outcome. Might even save some money too.
Peace and God bless!