Is Shaking hands a "No No"?

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Father Bugnini falsely claims that, “mystery of faith” in the formula for the consecration of the wine in the Roman Canon: is not biblical; occurs only in the Roman Canon; is of uncertain orgin.”pg 454
It is not a false claim. The words are not in the scriptural accounts, do not appear in the consecration formulas for any other Rite, and there is debate on when they were first added to the Roman Rite.

I don’t think Benedict will move them from their present location, close to the words of consecration, but outside of the institution narrative. The words are not required for a valid Eucharist (as their absence from other Rites proves,) and it would not be advisable to make a change to the words of institution twice in 50 years (beyond for many, which is a much smaller change).

Yours in Christ,
Please stay on topic, everyone. If the thread goes too far off topic I will have to close the thread.

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Which eastern church have you seen this in?
I saw it at a Maronite Divine Liturgy I attended. Maybe it was just that church. . .

Yours in Christ,
Yes… What you describe is kind of an admixture between some different Eastern and Western customs… That isn’t quite how it is done in the Byzantine Churches, we don’t do the kiss of peace among the laity, and the kiss is extended by clergy to each other within their own order (Bishops kiss bishops, priests kiss priests, deacons kiss deacons…)

But in a Maronite Church celebrating the modern Maronite rite (They had a post-V2 liturgical change as well) that sounds about right.
I certainly prefer the Extraordinary Rite of the Mass. However:

When I attend the Ordinary Rite of the Mass I do not talk in the pew before Mass even if someone I know talks to me, I smile and nod, and show that I am trying to pray.

I sing all of the hymns, (can’t, but love to sing), the Responsorial Psalm, and the people’s responses during the Eucharistic Prayer, and I shake hands with only the closest people around me and say, “May the Peace of Christ be with you.”

During the Creed I kneel at the Incarnation because it is the correct thing to do, in my opinion, and it is what I want to do, noone at the Ordinary Rite of the Mass has looked sideways at me.

I genuflect while the person in front of me on the Communion Line is Communicating, and I receive standing and only on the tongue–I carry the hymnal with me, because I sing the Communion Hymn until I approach the PRiest to Receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord in the Eucharist.

And NOONE has looked sideways at me. But then again, I try to keep my focus on the Holy Mysteries which are surrounding and enfulfing me, so maybe they are looking sideways at me. Their loss. The Mass is much more interesting than I am. I promise. Can’t you tell from my posts? 🤷

I really do not understand the OP’s beef. With all due respect, and I do not mean to be flippant or offensive, but maybe more attention to the Word of God and to the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar, and less attention to those in the Congregation?

Just my 2 cents, if they’re worth anything.
I agree with the Shaking Hands part, even though it is not the highlight of the mass, I will still do it. But during the ‘Pater Noster’ I will not hold anyone hands, it is not in the rubrics and I have read that Rome discourages it.
Now, I would love to get a definitive answer on this. I’ve heard before that it’s not in the rubrics, that it’s not considered correct.

doesn’t always like shaking hands because of germs, but that’s another story 😛
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