Asking myself the same kind of questions, I found this website - an article/interview that appears to have been printed in “a major business magazine”. Even though it does state an involvement with PP, it also gives a whole lot of the positive effects, influence, and charitable causes the Walton’s contribute to the world, which makes it pretty hard to justify putting Wal-Mart on our “do not shop” list.I was wondering if anyone knew of a website where I could find this kind of information.
At the same time, if a current, reliable report were to indicate that they are still financially contributing to PP, I would be compelled to send them an informational package (if it hasn’t already been done by some on-the-ball Catholics) on all the negative effects that they may not be aware of, and let them consider if what they think to be the positive points of PP are seriously outweighed by the negative. Maybe they have never been presented with the facts they need to see.
Also, maybe we Catholics need to send a nice, friendly letter/petition to those in the critical, decision making circles of groups and businesses, letting them know exactly what we think are serious offenses against God’s commandments, and the natural laws, and that we would greatly appreciate the money we invest in their business to NOT be used for such things, or we may need to consider other options. Maybe they just need to consider their options more seriously, as we do.