Is smoking cigarettes akin to suicide?

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But those things are food at least. In theory the body derives some nutritional value from them. There’s no nutritional value in cigarette smoke.
Let’s not forget smoked meats 😋 🍖

Still somewhat carcinogenic…
It’s really hard to do, but…you have to develop a mindset of moving on to the next thing whether the last one was a success or a complete failure.
I’ve never smoked, but am appalled at how expensive a pack of cigarettes is. How do people afford it?

ETA the average price in my state is $8.27/pack.
For a pack-a-day smoker, that’s $12,000/year
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There are generic brands that are only $4/pack. People spend money on other things…liquor, entertainment, hobbies. It’s not all sinful.
It sounds like you’re rationalizing eating Twinkies just like I’m rationalizing smoking cigarettes. 🙂 Good thing Our Lord said it’s not what goes into a body that renders it impure but what comes out of it. 🙂 God bless.
No, I’m not rationalizing eating twinkies. I’m just saying there is some nutritional value in it even though it’s junk food. It’s not the best thing to eat but it is a thing to eat. If you were starving, for example, it would be better to eat a Twinkie than to eat nothing at all. Same thing with Velveeta which I personally would never want to eat.
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I hear ya on Velveeta. It’s ok in a pinch but my family calls it ‘fake cheese’. 🙂
I don’t think it’s even allowed to market itself as cheese, just ‘cheese product.’
I think there’s plastic in there 😉 But if I was starving, it’d probably start looking pretty good.
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Price per stick is even worse for cigars. A good premium cigar goes for at least $12
If I were to start smoking again, I would get one of those one-at-a-time cigarette-making machine and a good pipe tobacco.

Thinking about this,

We know smoking causes cancer, that is scientifically proven. Someone in full knowledge of this and taking up smoking for the first time, are they self harming in the form of smoking?
Thinking about this,

We know smoking causes cancer, that is scientifically proven. Someone in full knowledge of this and taking up smoking for the first time, are they self harming in the form of smoking?
The Church teaching is that use of EXCESS tobacco is sinful and not use of tobacco per se.
We should stick to what the Church teaches and not try to make up a new teaching.
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