There’s an evangelical tool used in some churches known as “The Roman Road”. Basically by going through some verses in Romans someone is introduced to the basics of the Gospel as understood in these churches.
Starting with Romans 3:23 (all have sinned…) moving to Romans 5:8 ( … while we were yet sinners Christ died for us … ) to Romans 6:23 ( the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord ) and then to Romans 10:13 ( all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved ). Optionally include Romans 5:1 in there somewhere ( Since we have been justified by faith … )*
There it is - the gospel as preached. Then according to the theory, if you get the person to call on Jesus, they’re saved. Strike one. Another one in the kingdom. Job done. I should know - I’ve been in groups who used this method and similar ones.
The verses fill the criteria for some protestant interpretations of salvation as a one off event after which nothing can snatch you from God’s hand (and you can’t jump out of his hand either!). Therefore it’s Paul who is quoted as an easy way to work from the fallen state of humanity to salvation through Christ.
Unfortunately the emphasis here, and especially the misuse of Romans 10:13 loses much of what we know to be true about salvation and ignores what Jesus had to say on the matter in all the verses people have quoted.** The problem isn’t the quoting of Paul but the failure to place the writings of Paul in the context of the teachings of Jesus. Paul never contradicts Jesus but he must be understood, just as everything must be, in the light of Jesus rather than just taking his words on their own. That’s something that in
some Protestant churches isn’t done. And that’s when Paul
seems to be some kind of second founder of Christianity. The other common problem is seizing upon a doctrine and understanding scripture in the light of the doctrine, rather than seizing upon scripture and then gleaning doctrinal light. That way scripture is used to prove all sorts of untruths and heresies.
Not sure what my point was. Oh well. And it’s gone on too long - the server just cut me off.
*All paraphrases are my own but they’re closer to decent translations than many of the paraphrases out there.
**I quite like asking my protestant friends (as a protestant I have many!) whether we have to do the will of the Father to enter the kingdom. Some say yes. Others say no and are generally quite annoyed when referred to Matthew 7:22.
![Grinning face with big eyes :smiley: 😃](