Trelow's wife still yapping:
Our original reason for searching out a Natural Family Planning method was to use it to plan our family in a way that was in line with Church teaching but we also found that by using this method many of the problems I had been having since puberty could be fixed! Through learning the method, I have been able to not only plan pregnancy but also keep a close watch on my gynecological health. My practitioner has helped me to understand what is normal and what is not in my cycle. This is very exciting to my husband and I because we can protect our fertility together.
I am scheduled to meet Dr. Hilgers in May and am anticipating undergoing hormone evaluation, a pelvic ultrasound, and possibly a laperoscopy. Although this doesn’t sound like much fun, I am filled with hope that I will finally find answers to my problems. For the first time since the beginning of my womanhood I’ve found a doctor whose answer for everything is NOT the pill!
I hope you have found this helpful and that you will consider this as an option. I can guarantee you it will not be a waste of time.
- For testimonies from women who have been treated using these methods there is a book called Women Healed by Jean Blair Packard. I would recommend this to anyone who is facing gynecological or infertility difficulties as it will renew your hope!