Exactly. Thank you!…]
I think Cheiron’s point may have been that’s not what the theory sets out to do, just as it’s not something the theory of gravity sets out to do.
Exactly. Thank you!…]
I think Cheiron’s point may have been that’s not what the theory sets out to do, just as it’s not something the theory of gravity sets out to do.
I have read one of your links previously (Tkacz). I don’t feel that Thomas Aquinas is always being interpreted fairly when it comes to Special Creationism (direct supernatural creation). In contrast to the explanations given (I have read this type of thing elsewhere) is a very simple and direct statement which IMO makes clear what Aquinas thought about Special Creation, in this example, of humans.Catholic Answers Magazine featured an article on this topic by Michael Tkacz.
Another article by him is “Thomistic Reflections on Teleology and Contemporary Biological Research.”
In the next statement, Reply to Objection 1, Aquinas says:Now the matter whence man is naturally begotten is the human semen of man or woman. Wherefore from any other matter an individual of the human species cannot naturally be generated. Now God alone, the Author of nature, can produce an effect into existence outside the ordinary course of nature. Therefore God alone could produce either a man from the slime of the earth, or a woman from the rib of man.
home.newadvent.org/summa/1092.htm#article4This argument is verified when an individual is begotten, by natural generation, from that which is like it in the same species.
Indeed, it’s important to understand the debates current when Thomas Aquinas lived. Here is the best essay I have read on that.I don’t feel that Thomas Aquinas is always being interpreted fairly when it comes to Special Creationism (direct supernatural creation) …
The problem lies in the difference between the colloquial use of “pure chance” and the actual science of stochastic systems. In a truly and purely random assemblage of matter, then the structures we see would indeed be astronomically unlikely. But we’ve never had such a scenario, and people who appeal to such a scenario are essentially attacking a straw man.I’d hate to be the person who bears the persuasive burden of showing that pure chance was the best explanation for the complexity we observe.
That massive hurdle is probably why non-theists simply shirk the burden and go for the easier (and less convincing) rebuttal that what we observe isn’t really ‘complex’ and it’s not all that ‘special’ after all so why does it need explaining.
The null hypothesis in metaphysics is therefore chaos, i.e. a total absence of order or regularity. There is no obvious reason why there should be any rules, regularity, consistency or predictability in an undesigned universe. GIGONull hypothesis is a term from statistics. It refers to the common view of something, as opposed to the alternative hypothesis, which is what the researcher wants to test. The common view, the null hypothesis, is that the physical world exists, which would need to be falsified by anyone claiming otherwise.
You are presupposing that natural laws exist yet there is no obvious reason for the fact that “hydrogen atoms prefer to hang out next to each other”. Your argument is based on what happens in this universe but the null hypothesis is a total absence of order or regularity - unless you believe in physical necessity (which is based on an act of faith!).The problem lies in the difference between the colloquial use of “pure chance” and the actual science of stochastic systems. In a truly and purely random assemblage of matter, then the structures we see would indeed be astronomically unlikely. But we’ve never had such a scenario, and people who appeal to such a scenario are essentially attacking a straw man.
The reality is that hydrogen atoms prefer to hang out next to each other, masses attract each other, and opposite charges attract. These kinds of laws of nature create a sort of “funnel” for randomness. I like to explain it by appealing to those penny vortexes you occasionally see in shopping malls. The paths the pennies take while spinning around or sliding down are incredibly complex, and may involve all sorts of weird collisions and outside interference. It might make some people call the paths they take “random.” And indeed, that’s not a terrible thing to do. But that might lead some people to ask: “Well, if the paths are random, why do so many pennies end up at the bottom? Shouldn’t some pennies circle forever, or fly out of the machine, or come to rest somewhere else?” The answer to the question is that the forces that produce randomness are generally weaker than the forces producing the order. There are very few random collisions that could fling a penny out of the vortex, because all the collisions inside the vortex produce forces that are weaker than the gravity pulling them down. Pennies couldn’t come to rest somewhere on the side because, while friction does produce some randomness, it is not strong enough to force a stopping location.
And so it is with the development of complexity. The forces that push organisms to evolve into more complex forms can be “stronger” than the randomness the organisms encounter along the way.
The argument from complexity is not based on what happens in this universe but in any possible universe and there is no obvious reason for any laws or regularity to exist.The null hypothesis in metaphysics is therefore chaos, i.e. a total absence of order or regularity. There is no obvious reason why there should be any rules, regularity, consistency or predictability in an undesigned universe. GIGO
Perhaps you don’t understand how the null hypothesis is used.The null hypothesis in metaphysics is therefore chaos, i.e. a total absence of order or regularity. There is no obvious reason why there should be any rules, regularity, consistency or predictability in an undesigned universe. GIGO
Thank you for your quotes and it does help me understand what Thomists are thinking but it has seemed to me that Thomists insist there are *only *secondary causes for life and that we can’t stop looking for them no matter what we believe, while St. Thomas and the very Genesis story in the Bible talk about God “producing,” “making” and “creating” (animals, sea creatures, mankind).Indeed, it’s important to understand the debates current when Thomas Aquinas lived. Here is the best essay I have read on that.
A few highlights:
“It seemed to many of Aquinas’ contemporaries that there was a fundamental incompatibility between the claim of ancient science that something cannot come from nothing and the affirmation of Christian faith that God produced everything from nothing. Furthermore, for the Greeks, since something must always come from something, there must always be something; the universe must be eternal.”
“On the specific questions of creation out of nothing and the eternity of the world, the key to Aquinas’ analysis is the distinction he draws between creation and change. The natural sciences, whether Aristotelian or those of our own day, have as their subject the world of changing things: from subatomic particles to acorns to galaxies. Whenever there is a change there must be something that changes. The ancient Greeks are right: from nothing, nothing comes; that is, if the verb “to come” means to change. All change requires an underlying material reality.”
“Creation, on the other hand, is the radical causing of the whole existence of whatever exists. To cause completely something to exist is not to produce a change in something, is not to work on or with some existing material. If, in producing something new, an agent were to use something already existing, the agent would not be the complete cause of the new thing. But such complete causing is precisely what creation is … The Creator does not take nothing and make something out of nothing … Creation is not some distant event; it is the complete causing of the existence of everything that is. Creation, thus, as Aquinas shows, is a subject for metaphysics and theology; it is not a subject for the natural sciences.”
Thus, the passages you quoted show Thomas distinguishing between the course of nature (change) and things outside the course of nature (creation, in the strict sense) that only God can do. A full reading of Thomas certainly shows that nature too is part of the world that God created and thus God “creates” through nature’s indirect/secondary causes as well as through direct/primary causation. The direct, primary causation can be inferred philosophically, but not by gaps in our understanding of indirect/secondary causation. That’s what Tkacz and other Thomists are saying. The scientific arguments of Thomas’ day (could humans arise by means other than normal procreation, and in normal procreation was it semen from the man, or something the woman contributed, or both) were not the issue to Thomas. He lists them only to say that regardless of how those questions about indirect/secondary causes might be answered eventually, “God alone, the Author of nature, can produce an effect into existence outside the ordinary course of nature.”
Great question. Aquinas and his Thomist interpreters are not deists. Like you and I, they certainly think God continues to act, even if unique things were also done by God “at the beginning.”Thank you for your quotes and it does help me understand what Thomists are thinking but it has seemed to me that Thomists insist there are *only *secondary causes for life and that we can’t stop looking for them no matter what we believe, while St. Thomas and the very Genesis story in the Bible talk about God “producing,” “making” and “creating” (animals, sea creatures, mankind).
Why? This is a point that frequently gets bandied around, but I’ve never heard a good justification.You are presupposing that natural laws exist yet there is no obvious reason for the fact that “hydrogen atoms prefer to hang out next to each other”. Your argument is based on what happens in this universe but the null hypothesis is a total absence of order or regularity - unless you believe in physical necessity (which is based on an act of faith!).
It is a very compelling argument. For many scientists teleology has resurged in modern times just when atheists thought it was completely annihilated. The Catholics who are still against teleology are simply the tools of the secular establishment, they have been so absolutely conditioned to parrot the atheist line.The argument from complexity goes like this…
A Biological system, of any kind, is soooooooo complex that it could not have evolved naturally from inanimate objects and is therefore the work of an intelligence mind.
I am re-reading Tkacz and will read your Carroll reference, but I just wanted to comment that I agree there are different views among the TE and ID adherents, but the most prominent of TE’s is the Biologos group started and previously headed by Francis Collins. IMO as far as they are concerned, evolution may as well have been totally independent of God. They say something like, “Evolution may LOOK random to us, but not random to God.” The logical fallacy there is that the protein machines such as I pictured on the first page of this thread DO NOT LOOK random. They are very precisely made up of atoms in exact configurations to do exact jobs.Each approach, TE and ID, is diverse and among their respective adherents one finds a variety of views about the Bible, divine action, etc. The only essential distinction between TE and ID boils down to what can be known from science. What can be known from other sources (Bible, philosophical reasoning, revelation, etc.) does not really distinguish TE and ID from one another.
So, when Thomists resist being identified with ID, they are not being deists, and they are not resisting design, theism, etc.
Perhaps you don’t understand how the null hypothesis is used.
I don’t think EITHER theory - gravity or evolution - ‘sets out’ to do something and nothing whatsoever beyond that.Lion IRC;14063916:
I think the reason evolution “doesn’t say” is because it doesn’t know.Cheiron;14063548:
…evolution doesn’t say how you get life from inanimate matter. That’s abiogenesis.
The lack of a tested/testable abiogenesis theory is a huge knowledge gap.
And what we are left with is the two-pronged idea of random mutation and natural selection.
But I’m always skeptical when science invokes terms like random, spontaneous, singularity
…I think Cheiron’s point may have been that’s not what the theory sets out to do, just as it’s not something the theory of gravity sets out to do.
The null hypothesis in metaphysics is therefore chaos, i.e. a total absence of order or regularity. There is no obvious reason why there should be any rules, regularity, consistency or predictability in an undesigned universe. GIGO
What you appear to be doing is attempting to transform the argument from complexity into an argument from the existence of laws.