
Feelings? How can you be so sure that my belief in the Book of Mormon is based on feelings? I have never had this so-called “burning in the bosom”. Yet, I believe the Book of Mormon to be true. What feelings am I relying on, since you think you know me better than I know myself?Rod of Iron, I have read through your arguments, and you have fallen very short on crediting the BOM. I really don’t blame you since your beliefs are based on feelings not facts.

I don’t take anyone’s word for it, especially Joseph Smith’s. I do not blindly follow something because someone else tells me it is true. On the contrary, it would seem that most of the people in this thread posting against the Book of Mormon are blindly following others who have claimed that it is not true, including what the Smithsonian has stated. When I read the Book of Mormon, the words of truth popped of the page to me, just like the words of the Bible did when I read it. Instead of relying of someone else’s view of the Book of Mormon, you should read it and get a testimony of your own either for it or against it. Don’t rely on a feeling. Rely on the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. Why not take Jesus on His word?You believe in the book of Mormon, not because of any evidence, but because you feel it is true. You take Josephs Smith’s word for it.

Where did Joseph Smith ever teach that God was once a man?The evidence we do have is that Joseph Smith contradicted himself when he in the BOM states that God cannot change and 14 years later stated that God was once a man. A contradiction like this, in my mind would easily discredit anyone.