Hello all,
I have been generally glad that Rod of Iron has been fielding BOM questions here, but I wanted to add a couple of things.
First, I have read the BOM cover to cover multiple times. Just as Catholics and Protestants recognize that a sola scriptura read on the scriptures can result in either Catholic or Protestant doctrine, a sola scriptura read on the BOM is completely in line with a sola scriptura read of the Bible. This means that there is almost nothing in the BOM that is not also in the Bible or vice versa. The majority of traditional Christian ideas are more clearly explained in the BOM (than in the Bible).
So when RoI says that those who claim the BOM teaches a different Christ have not read the book and pondered it for themselves he is most likely correct.
A few differences that immediately come to mind.
- No Baptism of Infants. The BOM is clear on this. The Bible is not (clear).
- I do not think there is near as much room for an Imputed Righteousness belief within the BOM than within the Bible. Also, Pelegian error is easier to be derived from the BOM, but when one uses both the BOM and the Bible, I believe one must embrace Infused Righteousness.
- The BOM clarifies information about the fall. I believe that the BOM teaches the fallen nature of man very similarly to the Eastern Orthodox Church (rather than like Catholic and Protestants). The BOM is also clear that the fall of Adam and Eve was necessary.
So RoI is very correct in my opinion that the majority of the peculiar beliefs that those addressing him attack are not derived from a sola scriptura read of the BOM.
Second, something that I do not agree with RoI (and I want to bring up in this thread). I do not think that we should embrace the Empress of Cascadia. I do not think that we are in any way bound to believe that which we cannot prove to be untrue or unbelievable. I would instead suggest that RoI has shown that your “proof” of falsity is really not proof. And RoI has presented “evidences” of the authenticity of the BOM that have been dealt with almost none.
For me, I have seen the “problems” explained and muted universally. I have seldom seen the “evidences” so soundly addressed. The issue for me is that an authentic paradigm explains the “evidences” and is not toppled by the “problems.” A fraud paradigm has yet to convincingly explain the “evidences” by my BIASED assessment.
Now you may return to your regularly schedule programs.
Charity, TOm