
But you did not test for the most important test.When faced with a problem, the medical profession relies on the “rule out” technique.
They test. If they find no confirmation in the test, the particular condition tested for is “ruled out.” They can’t prove that the patient doesn’t have that condition, but they “rule it out” for lack of evidence that he does have it.
Consider the Book of Mormon. It has been tested for truth. There is no confirmation in the test of archaeology; archaeology rules it out. No confirmation in genetics; genetics rules it out. No confirmation in history, none in linguistics, none in metallurgy, none in animal husbandry, none in agriculture, none in…every possible field. The BOM has been ruled out – negative for truth --by every academic discipline that has examined it.
Diagnosis: Bull-oney.
Look elsewhere for the truth.
Does the Book of Mormon contain the gospel of Jesus Christ and His doctrine? Yes, definitely.
Will it lead people to the Christ of the Bible? Yes, definitely.
Are the principles of the doctrine of Christ, such as faith, repentance, and baptism, spoken of in that book? Yes, definitely.
Archaeology does not save you. Genetics does not save you. Nor does history, linguistics, metallurgy, animal husbandry, or agriculture save you. Only Jesus Christ can save you.
Does the Book of Mormon teach you of Jesus Christ and encourages you to have faith in Him, trust in Him, put your hope in Him, repent of your sins, and be baptized? Yes, most definitely.
But I do find your post most interesting, especially about linguistics. I have already told you that the Book of Mormon is written in Hebrew syntax with various forms of Hebraisms, parallelisms, and complex chiasms, which could not have been known by a young man in New England in the 1820s, even if he had the Bible memorized. Some of the chiasms in the Book of Mormon are more complex than what is found in the Bible, but it is indeed Hebrew syntax. I love linguistics. That is why I have a B.A. in Linguistics.
Genetics cannot be ruled out unless you know for sure if you are testing the descendents of the exact same people that the Book of Mormon speaks of. You cannot rule out history based on the limited knowledge of the present historians. You cannot rule out archaeology or metallurgy unless you have overturned every square inch in the exact location that the Book of Mormon speaks of. If you look in the wrong area, you will never find what you are looking for. As for husbandry, if there were no horses or elephants, why have pre-Columbian cave paintings been found of those two animals? In fact, there are paintings showing those animals being used as beasts of burden. But you and others will just shoo-shoo that away, because you do not want to believe it. If you did believe it, you would be forced to believe in the Book of Mormon, which might lead to you leaving the Catholic church. I guess to avoid that possible danger, you just choose to ignore and reject evidence that would make you doubt what you believe.
As I have already said, opinions do not establish facts. Facts establish facts. Having nothing does not establish the truth, and from where I am sitting, that is what you have: Nothing conclusive by which to reject the Book of Mormon.