rod of iron:
Then I assert that you have not read the Book of Mormon. If you declare that you have read that book, please give examples from that book that contrast what was taught in the first century church.
I have read most of the Book of Mormon, but not all of it. For the record, however, I did pray for the “burning in my bosom” just to be sure.
I find it ironic that you queried me on how I could trust the Bible when the earliest fragments were from the second century and yet there are no original language manuscripts for the BOM at all! Christian and non-Christian scholars can examine the fragments of the Bible in the original languages, but no one can examine the “original” BOM on gold plates. So I chuckle when you write about “Hebrew idiom” in the BOM because the BOM is a book whose earliest versions only exist in English. If you want to establish Hebrew “syntax, style and poetic device” you have to look at documents written in Hebrew not English. I could mimic Hebrew idiom in English by hacking from the King James translation of Hebrew into English in the Old Testament which, incidentally, is what many people accuse Smith of doing.
How is the Mormon doctrine different from first century Christianity?
In addition to what Apologia100 pointed out:
The Apostles Creed is the oldest “official” creed. There is evidence of development of the wording over time, but even the earliest versions of it contain the phrase “Jesus Christ his only Son.” This precludes the Mormon doctrines on God having multiple spirit children or Lucifer being Jesus’ brother. In fairness, the Mormons describe a unique role for Jesus but the Creed and Church are quite clear that Jesus was the only Son.
According to St. John, Jesus’ last words on the cross were, “it is finished.” (Jn 19:30) After His Ascension to Heaven, Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Father (Heb 1:3, 8:1, 10:12, 12:2). Since His work is finished and He is seated in Heaven, this seems to preclude a visit to the Americas as described in the BOM.
Mosiah 18:17 says that the church was founded between 147-145 BC. Any Catholic here will be happy to tell you about the Rock of Peter (Mt. 16:18) around AD 33.
Alma 7:10 says Jesus was born at Jerusalem. Matthew 2 makes a big point that he was born in Bethlehem.
2 Nephi 31:13 says people were baptized and given the Holy Spirit in 559 BC (according to LDS website). The Church has taught that this did not happen until Pentecost (Acts 2).
Alma 46 (according to LDS website written in 72-73 BC) refers to “Christians” three or four times. Acts says people were first called Christians at Antioch (11:26).
Doctrine and Covenants 93:23 teaches that man pre-existed with God. The Church denies this doctrine.
Doctrine and Covenants 121:32 teaches that there are multiple Gods. The Church denies this.
I could go on but you get the drift. Bottom line: if Mormonism teaches the same things as the Church, why do we need Mormon revelation?
As a Mormon you should proudly proclaim the differences because they
prove that we are lost without your doctrines.