rod of iron:
The RSV footnote says: “3-5: Confession of the psalmist that his nature has been sinful even from the moment of conception.”
Of course, that was before one Joseph Smith Jun. “corrected” the KJV to fix all the ‘mistakes’ he said were in the Bible. But, wouldn’t you know, the same mistakes in the KJV show up again in the BOM – Joseph Smith copied them. Are you reading Smith’s incorrect “corrected” version?
The Psalms were written in ancient Hebrew. “Behold I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me” has nothing to do with sex. The sexual act between a husband and wife is in no way sinful (although it can be perverted through contraception and other sinful activities). It is God’s gift that enables a husband and wife to become co-creators with Him.Nice misquote of a scripture, Apologia. Psalm 51:5 says no such thing. Rather, that verse states: “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”
This does not reveal anything about the baby being conceived, but rather, about the one conceiving. The mother did not conceive a sinful baby. Instead, the mother conceived in sin. This is referring to the sexual act…
The RSV footnote says: “3-5: Confession of the psalmist that his nature has been sinful even from the moment of conception.”
Of course, that was before one Joseph Smith Jun. “corrected” the KJV to fix all the ‘mistakes’ he said were in the Bible. But, wouldn’t you know, the same mistakes in the KJV show up again in the BOM – Joseph Smith copied them. Are you reading Smith’s incorrect “corrected” version?