You believe the BOM, and have confidence that its “translator” is truthful, but you reject the “Prophet’s” other alleged scriptures? Hmmmm. Unfortunately, I’ve read the BOM several times.
By what you claimed was in the Book of Mormon, I know that you have not read that book. Your ignorant statements of what is found in that book gave you away.
Begin on page 1 and end on page 522 of the 1948 edition.
I don’t have this 1948 edtion you speak of. Is that an LDS version? Since you claim to be so knowledgeable about the Book of Mormon, show me specifically where those false doctrines can be found in the Book of Mormon, chapter and verse. Telling me to read the Book of Mormon won’t help you. I know what is in that book, and apparently you do not.
Yes! Only the Church founded by Christ has the power and authority to determine what is Scripture (the “inspired” Word of God) and what Scripture is (the list of writings that belong in the Bible).
First, the Catholic church does not resemble the church of the New Testament at all.
Second, the Bible never claims to be the “Word of God”. But the Bible does identify Jesus as being the “Word of God” – the Word made flesh.
Third, saying that the list of writings in the Bible are the only ones that constitute scriptures suggests that God had to wait until a church came along to decide what writings were good enough to be scripture and be bound together, before they could be called scripture. What you are saying is that the church decided what should be scripture, not God.
This refers to OT prophecy. But so what? Some authority had to determine which men “spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” – the writings themselves can’t tell us. Inanimate objects have no voice. It requires the authority of the Church to determine what is Scripture.
Only in the Old Testament? Has the great unchangeable God changed? Does He no longer inspire men to prophesy now as He did in times past? If God spoke to you words of inspiration today, would you know it, or would you say, “No, no, God; you are too late; the Bible has already been canonized.” Do you believe you know everything that God wants you to know? Such an idea that you know all that God feels is important is arrogant at the least. Where do you stand? Is God pining away somewhere out of touch with us mere mortals? Is He dead? Is that why you don’t believe He speaks to us anymore?
It was done by the Church, under the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, watched over by Jesus Christ Who promised to be with the Church ALWAYS (Mt 28:20) and to send the Spirit to be with the Church to guide it FOREVER (Jn 14:16, 14:26, 14:16-7-15; Acts 1:1-2, chapter 15; et al.). The Church speaks for Christ (Luke 10:16).
In Matthew 28:20, I do not see that Catholic church mentioned at all. In fact, I see no mention of a church at all. I see where Jesus is speaking to His apostles. You may say that the apostles were part of the Catholic church, but I ask, “Why is there no office of apostle in the Catholic church today?” If the Catholic church is the same church that Christ started, the Catholic church would have to have apostles in it. But not an apostle can be found in the Catholic church, hence a different church.
In John 14:16 and 14:26, the promises again are being given to the apostles, not the Catholic church, because the Catholic church does not have any apostles.
How does Luke 10:16 speak of the Catholic church? Jesus was instructing the Seventy of their duties and how to respond. But the Catholic church does not have any Seventy either. The Seventy were seventy specially called Elders who Jesus chose. But the Catholic church does not have any Elders either. The Catholic church only seems to have three priesthood offices mentioned in the scripture, namely Deacons, Priests, and Bishops. With more than half the priesthood offices absent from the Catholic church, how could a person believe it is the same as the church that Christ built?