Robert Heibel:
I have posted what I’m writing here, a few times before this, but some how I must not have explained it clear enough.
Now you see John wrote this not me: (1 John 3:3-9).
What a person does before they receive the Holy Spirit and gets to know God will be forgiven. What I am trying to share is if a person finds themselves willfully committing sins leading to death: (1 Corinthians 6:9-19) “You know perfectly well that people who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God: people of immoral lives, idolaters, adulterers, catamites, sodomites, thieves, usurers, drunkards, slanders and swindlers will never inherit the kingdom of God.” Paul gave us a list of a few of those sins, and John tells us they have never seen God or do they know Him. Now if a person does know God and willfully commits a sin leading to death (Hebrews 6:4) tells us they can’t be forgiven.
(Hebrews 6:4) “As for those people who were once brought into the light, and tasted the gift from heaven, and received a share of the Holy Spirit, and appreciated the good message of God and the powers of the world to come and yet in spite of this have fallen away it is impossible for that to be renewed a second time. They cannot be repentant if they have willfully crucified the Son of God and openly mocked Him.”
A person may have been baptized a Christian, but hasn’t yet been brought into the light, and tasted the gift from heaven, and received a share of the Holy Spirit, and appreciated the good message of God and the powers of the world to come. What these words tell us is that once a person knows really knows God and has the Holy Spirit (walks in the gifts of the Holy Spirit) they can’t sin. If they do sin (Acts 5:1-5) This Scripture tell us if we have the Holy Spirit in us and have been guided by Him, and still sin we are sinning against the Holy Spirit and that is unforgivable.
Robert, I want to sincerely congratulate you for finding the truth that nobody else in Christianity has ever understood, until you came along. Wow, Robert, we should all go join you in your First Church of the *Recently Discovered *(2005) One True Interpretation of the Bible…
You mention the quote in Hebrews. How do you know your interpretation of the Bible is correct? Did Jesus tell you? Your demanding us to have Jesus personally tell us something, so we get to demand the same from you. I really need to know, because you are getting messages from Jesus, then we need to listen to you a little more. Take that back, A LOT MORE.
As Catholics, we test every wind of doctrine that comes around. If it’s not what the Apostles taught, we reject it. You are committing the heresy of Donatism, which taught that Sacraments and Leadership positions of the Church depend on the worthiness of the minister. That’s the mistake your making. You need to do your homework, and read up on why Donatism does not work. It’s simple, it leads to anarchy. That’s what sola-scriptura does. It leads to anarchy.
Without trying to be deliberately offensive Robert, you must understand that the Catholic Church has been here longer than any government, any other institution on earth. Is your point that Pope’s can be sinners? We second that. Ever seen a Pope say Mass? He asks for God’s mercy too.
But I think the real nature of your question comes from your understanding of the nature of the Church. You believe the Church is the invisible conglomerate of born-again believers. Catholics believe the Church, is, yes, a sacrament of interior union with God through Christ, but it is the visible Sacrament. Does being a Catholic save? No. It’s dwelling in the Father’s charity, through Christ, in the power of the Spirit. A man is justified by works, and not by faith alone.
We can’t know if someone knows God or not. So we recognize that if one has had Sacraments, obviously one has the grace to be a good Christian if they want to be. Does this protect Pope’s from sinning? No. But again, every Pope has been baptized. But your belief is that if someone sins, they never knew God.
I would personally ask you: can you go to a poor peasant who is illiterate in the third world and guarantee them that
your interpretation of the Bible is correct?
If you can’t, then keep your mouth shut and stop preaching, until you are 110% sure before the Face of Almighty God your not going to be leading people from the frying pan to the fire. That’s what I wish more Protestants would do. Unfortunately, most of them won’t try that hard.
With all sincere and due respect and asking God to bless you,