Is the Catholic Church the one true church?

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So, Robert, you are saying that, since Peter’s successors were sinful, the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven were lost on their account? That, in short, the gates of hell prevailed against the Church, if only for a period of time, until it was restored by the great reformers and carried out by you and those who practice your beliefs? If that is the case, then you had better have a talk with Jesus about his nasty habit of lying. If that is not the case, please show me how your beliefs trace back through history all the way to Peter, without being contradicted, pointing out who exactly it was that held the keys to the kingdom.

And, while we’re at it, may I point out a contradiction in your statements. You speak of sinful men not being able to hold the keys to the Kingdom, but you also speak of when Paul rebuked Peter in acts. So did Peter lose the keys? Or is he the one exception to your rule?

I find it rather interesting that with all of the same old attacks against the Church, there are no credible alternatives to the Catholic Church’s history and Apostolic Succession.
I am sorry your post didn’t get your post answered by me. I really don’t think you understand what I have been saying or maybe you just haven’t read what I’ve written about sin.

If you would care to discuss with me what I believe about sin, we had better do it through the e-mail.
Jimmy B:
**Robert, **

From reading your posts, you appear to be an anti-Catholic, “Born Again” Christian. Where did all this hostility towards the Catholic Church come from?

Uhhh, try Jehovah’s Witness on soapbox.
Robert, with all due Christian respect, this is absolutely impractical.

How do you know the books in the Bible are the right books? How do you know the Bible is the Word of God? How do you know something does or does not contradict the word? You can guess, you can never prove.

The Bible is a book. It does not a mouth, it cannot speak. It contains the Word of God, and is the Word of God, however, it ultimately is not totality of the Word of God. There is another source of the Word, called Tradition. Tradition and Scripture make up the One Word of God, as taught by the Catholic Church.

What about the Christians who believe Christ is leading them to embrace the teaching of the Catholic Church? I know I believe Christ is leading me to this. I know Catholics believe Christ guides them to know and understand the truth this way.

Now, is everything about God we can know taught by the Catholic Church? No, as the Church continuously becomes closer and more deeply in contact with the Word of God, and hence always has the grace and authority to proclaim New Dogma and New Doctrine from the deposit of Faith. For example, in the middle Ages, the belief in the Immaculate Conception of Mary was a pious belief, but as time continued, it became a part of the consciousness of the Church that this is and was revealed by God, and thus since it’s Dogmatic Definition is now necessary to hold the Catholic Faith.

With all due respect, Robert, Protestantism is a digression and not a progression from the Dogmas of the Faith as proclaimed through the Age of the Fathers.

A major difference between Catholics and Protestants is that Catholics view the Medieval as a legitimate era in which the Spirit deepened the Church’s conscience regarding the Faith. Protestantism is a rejection of medieval Catholicism.

Catholics embrace Medieval Catholicism, as well as the Catholicism of the Counter-Reformation, as well as the Catholicism of the twentieth century. We believe the Holy Ghost is continuously communicating with the Church as a communion, a family set apart through the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and as a result, we look as a community to Christ to test doctrine.

Hence, my reply to you is that Satan has no chance against the Church, for She continuously as a communion looks to Christ and finds the truth.

Robert, you are a very intelligent man. But intelligence does not necessarily mean that you possess Divine Faith. Ask yourself: do I understand what Catholics teach, and have I truly grappled with the notion that the Holy Ghost (John 15: 26-27), has never left the Church, and continuously leads Her in the path of Christ, the Way, Truth, and Life (John 14: 6) for the New Testament Church professed to be the pillar and foundation of the teaching of the truth (1 Tim. 3: 15).

God bless you,

Peter, I know the Bible is the Word of God, because Jesus told me that it was His Word. Jesus(Holy Spirit) have been teaching me the Word for over thirty years.

Yours in Christ,
Robert Heibel:
Peter, I know the Bible is the Word of God, because Jesus told me that it was His Word. Jesus(Holy Spirit) have been teaching me the Word for over thirty years.

Yours in Christ,
Hi Bob!

I think we all agree that the Bible is the word of God, but I’m cursious about HOW Jesus told you that it is.

How can you be sure that the 66 books in your bible, no more no less, are the ones that are inspired scripture?

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Hi Bob!

I think we all agree that the Bible is the word of God, but I’m cursious about HOW Jesus told you that it is.

How can you be sure that the 66 books in your bible, no more no less, are the ones that are inspired scripture?

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Nancy, You will need to e-mail me and I will share some more with you.
Robert Heibel:
Nancy, You will need to e-mail me and I will share some more with you.
Why can’t you share here?

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Why can’t you share here?

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
I have to be careful three of my Threads have been closed down, and I don’t believe I’ll get any more chances.

Robert Heibel:
I have to be careful three of my Threads have been closed down, and I don’t believe I’ll get any more chances.

Well, now I’m intrigued. Send me a PM.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Robert Heibel:
Nancy, You will need to e-mail me and I will share some more with you.

What’s with all the secrecy about what Jesus allegedly told you? If I had spoken directly to Jesus, and I believed it was Jesus as you say you do, I would not only tell everyone I could that Jesus talked to me, I would share what he had to say with everyone I could. Did Jesus tell you not to share your conversations with anyone? If Jesus really spoke to you and you believe he did, why would you be worried about what others thought or weather or not CA Forums would put a lock on one of your treads? As far as being persecuted in his name that seems petty mild.

Robert, why don’t you share with us what Jesus said to you? How often do you talk to Jesus and why do you think he chose you? Have you ever seen Jesus and if so what does he look like? Finally, you never did answer my question regarding your religion and weather or not you go to church. Your response would be appreciated. I’ve never spoken to anyone who claims to have had conversations with Jesus.
Well, you’re going to think I’m a nut case I guess, because Jesus talks to me. It’s only about things having to do with me though.

For example, I’ve been praying for years about my unbelieving husband. I worry about the effect that he will have on our kids as they get older. One day I was praying about it, and here’s the “conversation” that went on between me and God:

God: He WILL be saved, but it will take some time.

Me: What about my kids in the meantime?

God: Don’t worry about your kids. I’ll take care of your kids. Spend the energy you would spend worrying about your kids praying for your husband.

In this “conversation” God also told me to pray the rosary daily for my husband’s conversion and to ask Mary and St. Monica to pray for him.

I don’t know if that’s the kind of “talking” Robert does with God, or if God is actually revealing huge, major things to him. My conversations with God are about personal stuff.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Well, you’re going to think I’m a nut case I guess, because Jesus talks to me. It’s only about things having to do with me though…
No Catholic4aReasn,
No, I don’t think you are crazy. I believe God speaks to all of us at various times in various ways, sometimes directly and he works through us. I believe God has spoken to people throughout time. I believe our “conscience” for example, is God communicating through us to show us what is right and wrong.

Robert Heibel goes a little further than most in his statements and uses his “conversations with God” to argue that the Catholic Church is wrong and he is right because “Jesus told him”. Robert tries to convince people here that he is a Prophet of God.
Below are some of his quotes taken from various threads.
Originally Posted by Robert Heibel - Quotes -
*“… I know the Bible is the Word of God, because Jesus told me that it was His Word.” *

*”When Jesus comes to a person personally, I mean hear Him talk to them, touch them, shows Himself to them…", *

“When I accepted Jesus’ call into His ministry I asked Him what seminary to attend. He told me NO! Don’t read about me, I’ll teach you about me.”

”Jesus personally told me He is God, and the Holy Spirit told me that I would talk to Catholics about a personal relationship with Jesus…"

“What I am trying to do is share what Jesus has taught me, and my job, given to me by Jesus, is to give a word.”

”I know Jesus’ voice and I will follow no other.”

“… Jesus let me know that if I gave Him my life I would lose everything I owned. As I was about to lose my car, I went to jesus and was complaining. Jesus then spoke to me and said “Bob, They hung me.”

*”*Jesus told me He would teach me about Him and He has,…" **

*“Jesus spoke to me once and told me “All glory and honor belongs to me not you.” *

*“Yes, Jesus has spoken to me, and still speaks to me often. When I accepted Jesus call to His ministry, I asked Him what seminary to attend and Jesus told me “No! Don’t read about me I’ll teach you about me” *

*”Jesus has been teaching me for over thirty years now…", *
This thread having come to the end of the original discussion is now closed. Thanks to all who participated.
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