Firstly, please excuse my English, as I am quite out of practice.
Thank you for taking time to reply. Your English is fine I am certain that I could not communicate in your
native language at all. I do recommend Google translate it works quite well.
In reading your comments, it seems to me that the dissidence you express with this specific issue in the Catechism is not only precise in its point of contention, but also rather consuming in nature. Obviously this is of great concern to you, which leads me to ponder what motivation underscores the desire for this particular change. I wonder if you might be so kind as to indulge my curiosity by answering a couple of questions that would satisfy that curiosity.
I do not believe the Church has the authority to present what is false asTruth. In this case I believe the
Church has made an error. I believe that this error is at attempt to appease the LGBT orthodoxy in this
age of political correctness.
Someone once recommended the virtue of docility to me. Jesus always exemplified the proper place of
docility. I can only think of a couple of reasons that caused Our Lord to set docility aside and that was
corruption of His “church” Judaism; examples being the money changers in the temple and his correction
of the hypocritical Sadducees and Pharisees, and the corruption of children. I believe that if a lie of Satan is
being presented as Truth in the Lord’s, Church teaching, docility is not a virtue but a disgrace.
Very often, dedication of the magnitude you demonstrate is grounded in personal experience. Please feel free to decline, but would you mind sharing if you or someone close to you has experienced same sex attraction?
I cannot tell you what brings any particular person to any specific sinful behavior. I am certain that some
people I know have a problem with SSA. No one recently has asked to discuss their sexuality with me and
I don’t pry. Back in the seventies I had a slight acquaintance with a fellow who did want to discuss what for
him was a problem with SSA. I encouraged him not to pursue it I did ask if he thought people were destined
for SSA and he thought not. This person had a problem with drugs as well perhaps I could have done more
to help. I have no idea what happened to this person but I have kept him in my prayers.
I would assume, based upon your contention, that you feel same sex attraction can be resolved or corrected if all persons are capable of experiencing attraction to the opposite sex. (Please correct me if I am wrong.) Would you see the endorsement of reparative therapies as a desirable outcome of a revised Catechism?
I believe all things are possible with the Grace the Lord is willing to give but will not force us to take. I
don’t think the Church’s mission is therapy. I believe the Church’s mission is to present the Truth. All
people have Freewill, the only gift from the Lord that cannot be refused. If people chose to use therapy
to help themselves I have no objections. Ultimately we will all face the Lord I pray that the Lord knows
me when I do.
God bless