We can only contemplate 0 because there is 1.
All the laws, constants and relationships would have had to be present at the beginning, possibly before the Big Bang, or else it would not have occurred and progressed as it did.
Let’s say there was a singularity containing all the potential for time-space, with a built-in speed limit, all the matter which would come to exist, accompanying the thermodynamic laws that dictate that nothing new would happen other than a reshuffling of what existed as well as directing the flow of time, containing the possibility for gravity, electromagnetism along with the strong and weak forces of the sub-atomic, all in their precise form to make this possible, how does that work?
- 1 from 0? I can’t see that happening.
- Alternatively, we might imagine that it always was and always will be, a reincarnated universe, over and over, perhaps each a different edition. Proof for that is impossible to obtain, but we can believe it, if we choose.
- We can also choose to believe what the church teaches as having been revealed through the millennia back to prehistory culminating in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We can choose to believe that we are brought into existence by love, for love.
We can contemplate not only our origins, but also the ontological structure of this universe in which we participate as whole persons.
Perhaps we are individual fragments of a shattered mirror that would be the universe reflecting on itself.
How about, almost infinitely complex physical processes and interactions forming individual nodes of human experience.
Interesting imagery, but what is real is that I am in a dialogue with you.
We are relational beings; our existence is self-other,
We exist as a physical recycling of everything that goes into our mouths and into our stomachs and lungs,
a psychological recycling of our relationships,
constructed by means of a psychosomatic human nature and
grounded on existence, which is itself relational.
We bodily and psychologically incorporate the world into ourselves.
Spiritually, we relate to the world through our senses, intellect, feelings and actions.
Both we ourselves and what is other to us are revealed through that relationship.
Our thoughts, whatever they are, tell us about ourselves and our world.
At the Foundation of everything, every moment
from the beginning to the end,
however many or few times it has happened,
if such concepts have any meaning at all,
is perfect relationality - Love.
The Source of our being, all being, the universe alive in all time, brings it into existence, caring about His creation and seeking to bring us all back to Him.