A lot more can be said. There are thousands of books on that subject, and I’m betting not one of them claims that a person can be explained by the physics of elementary particles.
The reason is simple. There are around 20 trillion atoms on one neuron. There are around 85 billion neurons in the brain. So even without the connections and everything else, that’s thousands of billions of trillions of atoms in the brain alone. No one can get straight from particle to person. There’s the whole of physics, chemistry, biology, neurobiology, etc. needed as well.
We are the most complicated thing we know of. Just the brain alone is the most complicated thing we know of. And you’re expecting me to believe that anyone, anywhere, claims a person can be explained by particles? All I’m asking is you cite just one paper. Have a look at the professional philosophy clearing house
here, or any of the science clearing houses such as
here, and please cite just one paper which makes such a claim.