Yes there is and that is to say that I do not believe that most Christians are stupid. Most of us do not run around with the Robin Williams fundamentalist sarcasm of, “Click, then it happenned.” Check this out:
The same Holy mother Church holds and teaches that God, the source and end of all things, can be known with certainty from the consideration of created things, by the natural power of human reason: ever since the creation of the world, his invisible nature has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made." (Chapter 2, On Revelation; cf. Romans 1:19-20; and Wisdom chapter 13
Pope Pius XII
The Church, beginning in 1950 with Pope Pius XII’s encyclical Humani Generis, took up a neutral position with regard to evolution:
“The Church does not forbid that…research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter.” (Pius XII, encyclical Humani Generis)
Pope Pius XII’s teaching can be summarized as follows:
The question of the origin of man’s body from pre-existing and living matter is a legitimate matter of inquiry for natural science. Catholics are free to form their own opinions, but they should do so cautiously; they should not confuse fact with conjecture, and they should respect the Church’s right to define matters touching on Revelation.
Catholics must believe, however, that the human soul was created immediately by God. Since the soul is a spiritual substance it is not brought into being through transformation of matter, but directly by God, whence the special uniqueness of each person.
All men have descended from an individual, Adam, who has transmitted original sin to all mankind. Catholics may not, therefore, believe in “polygenism,” the scientific hypothesis that mankind descended from a group of original humans (that there were many Adams and Eves).
Some theologians believe Pius XII explicitly excludes belief in polygenism as licit. The relevant sentence is this:
“Now it is in no way apparent how such an opinion (polygenism) can be reconciled with that which the sources of revealed truth and the documents of the Teaching Authority of the Church propose with regard to original sin, which proceeds from a sin actually committed by an individual Adam and which, through generation, is passed on to all and is in everyone as his own.” (Pius XII, Humani Generis, 37 and footnote refers to Romans 5:12-19; Council of Trent, Session V, Canons 1-4)
And I don’t think you can deny that the Big Bang Theory fits into the Catholic faith when you look at where it comes from (a picture is worth a thousand words):
God Bless,