Is the mark of the beast here?

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My family say the mark of the beast is a microchip people get in there hand and without it you won’t be able to buy or sell my mom said when it comes non of us are aloud to get it she said we will live off the land but I’m skeptical that the mark is a silly chip
We don’t know what form the Mark of the Beast will take. It might not be a physical mark at all.
Many believe that time (the mark) has long since come and gone - it’s a past event, not one expected in the future. Much of Revelation may have already occurred during the reign of Roman Emperor Nero.
I told my mom this she isn’t convinced I’m worried that if it becomes Mandatory she won’t let any of us get it and trust me in our family what she says goes living off the land would be rather easy as my brothers and dad go lamping at night with greyhounds for sport so if it came to that we could she said it says in revelations in the end u won’t be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast
Christians have nothing to worry about they are children of God and nothing happens without his will.
All the talk of end times is just distractions from prayer.
How old are you? If you’re an adult you have authority to make your own choices.

Have you thought of the possibility that voluntarily taking the Mark would mean swearing loyalty to the Beast? Scripture doesn’t explicitly say it does but neither does it say otherwise.
19 but I’m my culture we aren’t considered adults until marriage
I know but what I’m saying is what if the chip isn’t the mark and my mom is just being too paranoid she is one of those “the end is near” Catholics 😂
The main purpose of Revelation is consolation, exhortation,
inspiration, fostering, and encouraging to live The Gospel,
in any state of life without compromise with evil.
In Revelation St. John gives hope, exhorts Holy Spirit courage in times of persecution.
Many in The Church have realized that The Apostle John,
most likely was referring to Caesar Nero; title and all in the
Hebrew numbering system adds up to 666. Also, some early
Latin texts used to Latin numbering system and used 616.
Christians were being forced to bow to an image of Caesar Nero;
or be severely punished or martyred. Also, his image was on the coins.
Shouldn’t we take to heart the lesson’s of The Gospel like,
no matter what the state or group or person or culture or anything
bribes or blackmails us with - we must choose Covenant Love of God,
and neighbor or mammon. Those are the two choices, life or death.
And do not fear those who can harm the body - pray for Holy Spirit strength
to endure anything, rather than take a bribe or be blackmailed to be cowardly
under any circumstances as witnesses for The Gospel; and speaking up for
the oppressed in word, action, and entire witness.
We are supposed to completely surrender to Grace to receive as fully as possible
all the virtue God has to offer. Jesus Christ taught the true compassion of God;
and taught asserting one’s will diligently toward The Will of God diligently.
“But if from there you will seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and all your soul.” - Deuteronomy 4:29
"But seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to you. "And do not seek what you will eat and what you will drink, and do not keep worrying. “For all these things the nations of the world eagerly seek; but your Father knows that you need these things.”- Luke 12:29-31
“to those who by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life; but to those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, wrath and indignation.” - Romans 2:7-8
“O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water.” - Psalm 63:1
“You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” - Jeremiah 29:13

A good read in Revelation is what The Spirit has to say to The Churches.
Please read the following in light of history repeats itself. In Revelation 12;
Satan sends a flood of truth mixed with lies after the woman, The Church;
and continues to persecute her.
As we know clarity is from Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

“A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing,” aired several times on EWTN, is highly recommended.
This documentary shows a lot on the source of ambiguity as opposed to clarity,
we see today in regards to morality and social issues. And why certain humble
devout hard working prophets and teachers of clarity have been placed in the
background lately.
Pray for Holy Spirit, virtues like courage; and clarity in word and action.
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The mark of the beast as I understand was a code (666) Christians used when referring to Nero. They were terribly afraid of him as they had reason to be. I know this isn’t a complete explanation but its the best I can remember at the moment. Wanted to build on your answer. Peace be with you
It is right in the Appendix of my study Holy Bible,
RSV Catholic Addition, put out by Ignatius Press.
Dr. Scott Hahn, also spoke of Nero,
and Christians being forced to bow to Nero’s image; - 666 in the head.
or being bribed with coins, with Nero’s image -666 in the hand.

St. John is teaching diligently seeking Jesus Christ;
work on habits of virtue, including courage;
and avoid love of worldliness;
true Covenant Love of God and neighbor.
The reason for the code was that subsequent Emperors would not like a Caesar’s
name being used from their perspective in a derogatory way and could
exacerbate more persecutions.

Lack of courage, consistency as a whole has led to all the apostasies;
which lead to climates of giving power to 666 - worldliness.
It doesn’t have to be a dictator. But their power is enabled by this.
Now we have a dictatorship of moral relativism & a culture of death.
The spirit of ambiguity in the face of wide spread moral evil, atrocity,
and crimes against humanity - does not come from The Holy Spirit.
Neither does the spirit of pragmatic compromise which doesn’t
assert Jesus Christ telling us let your ‘yes’ mean ‘yes,’ and your ‘no’ mean ‘no.’

Thank God EWTN put out ‘A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing,’ has aired it several times;
and has it available to those who are interested in the propaganda war of attrition
that Leo xiii warned was happening. I’m sure it is part of bringing on the new
spring time of The New Evangelization. To see clearly in a time of fog.
We need clarity, we need authenticity in word and action to Light Christ on the hillside;
and be told in every parish.

The Light Shines in the darkness.
I’ve heard this particular idea for a few years now. It started out as a mandatory barcode and now it’s a chip. Odd. But I am not a conspiracy buff at all.
What happens if you don’t get married? Or become a priest or religious? Perpetual minor?

The Church does not oblige us to obey our parents once we reach the age of majority. We must always honour them, but not always obey.
Your family would do well to study Catholic Eschatology, it sounds as if they are relying on non-Catholic sources that lean to dispensationalism.

I’d suggest the short, easily readable book “The Rapture Trap”.
The Church does not oblige us to obey our parents once we reach the age of majority. We must always honour them, but not always obey.
I always thought we must obey our parents as long as they are the ones who pay the bills, give a place to stay, food, etc. This could be until the child is 17, or 23. Nothing magical about the age the country has established for one to be an adult.
That would be a matter of prudential judgment, not civil or ecclesiastical law. And even then there would be very important limitations. For example, the Church would take a very dim view of parents who tried to, say, pressure an adult child to marry or not marry just because they happen to be “paying the bills”. If you’re an adult, you could freely make the decision to accept your parents direction in exchange for their material support…but that would be an agreement between adults.
Yes, there’s also the issue in some sectors of what to do with parents who actively discourage the child’s independence. I know it’s an issue in certain movements where women are expected to stay home until marriage - often the actions needed to gain independence are disobedient.
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