This part of The Book of Revelation was certainly
and encouragement to be diligent in serving God
with courage.
Worldliness; desires of the flesh or power or prestige or self importance,
with self-justification of ‘well I’m basically a good person,’ and I do this or that
for charity; not repented, reconciled with God, with continual reparation by Grace
to final impenitence is serving mammon over God, by presumption or despair.
The Gifts, Virtues, and Fruits God gives; needs to be practiced habitually;
which results in never denying Jesus Christ before others in all circumstances.
Paul writes in Galatians that The Spirit opposes fleshly desires.
Rev. 3 The Church is admonished for lukewarmness; and will be spewed from the mouth of God; unless they repent.
We are exhorted their to wash our eyes with salve, to see clearly;
to live completely for the Gospel for refined gold from Heaven.
Jesus Christ gives the power to overcome just as He overcame.
God asks for everything, this gives the power to give our complete selves.
So it is always the Seal of God, in our forehead and in our hand - what we think and do;
or 666 - mammon.
we know Jesus Christ gives the power to be joyful that the Law of The Lord refreshes the soul; that we know we are in Covenant Love with God and neighbor the more
we cheerfully observe the Law, and be heartfelt cheerful givers in God’s Covenant with neighbor. (the Law joyfully as frontlets between our eyes, and bound on our hand - what we do.)
Trust Jesus Christ, let Grace diligently grow ourselves in virtue; and
we will not give into the wiles of Satan or any earthly power to receive 666.
God gives peace with perseverance.