Of, course.
We look forward to the days of such things as Psalm 149; Matthew 25:3-46
Rev. 21:9 - 22:5;
When not all who say ‘Lord, Lord’ well enter The Kingdom of God;
but those who do the Will of God.
Those who pray, live, and speak truth - without a spirit of compromise.
We see a lot of ‘spirit of compromise,’ these days claiming to be a spirit of non judge-mentality.
The question of the mark of the beast, can only be answered with; it has always been
with us, since the fall of humankind. Cain did not repent when God warned him;
and murdered his brother. The world has been constantly warned since Adam and Eve;
do not form allegiance with any one or anything other than God and a Covenant
relationship with God.
The culture of death is a result of compromise of the God given dignity and value
of every human life from the moment of conception as primacy in social justice;
with economic justice as primacy. There are many pragmatics that play at the human heart; but none the less this is what has transpired.
The Primacy of God is relinquished to the primacy of creation.
If someone wishes to keep or obtain the Grace of The Seal of God
in their heart, soul, and resourcefulness in prayer, word, and action —
including consenting to the primacy of the dignity and value of every human life…
then choose the primacy of God the Author of Life; by choosing the
God given dignity, value, and Sacredness of every human life.
I am not speaking of those who do not have an informed conscience;
since Jesus Christ said that those who sin in ignorance will receive less stripes
though they deserve more; (neither was John The Apostle, to truly worship
the beast - worldliness - at the expense of truth - one must do this with
full continence - actually reject The Holy Spirit the Giver of Life; or the Urging
of The Holy Spirit; from all Truth proceeds and convicts of sin.);
but to whom much is given much is required.
The culture of death has grown for so long to immense proportions in the U.S.A.;
and world wide, killing tens of thousands of children every single day;
by the compromise of to whom much has been given;
by the use of pragmatism of compromise. This is at every stewardship level.
Peace; and choose life.