Is the mark of the beast here?

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Are you talking about this?
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I’ve heard this particular idea for a few years now. It started out as a mandatory barcode and now it’s a chip. Odd. But I am not a conspiracy buff at all.
It was around before anyone ever thought of barcodes. I remember (yeah I’m that old) my mom’s cousin used to warn us that the number would be tattooed across our forehead. I think we have to look to the Church for guidance, and have no fear. Jesus promised us.
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Yes, I had a woman friend some years ago, early to mid 20s at the time, who was expected to be home by 9 PM every night without exception. She certainly was not free to date who she liked. She had a full-time job…it wasn’t about money…it was just a cultural expectation that she would be under her father’s authority until she married. (Indian heritage).
When I was a kid, ATMs were related to the mark of the beast because you used a card in your hand and they had a camera pointed at your forehead
Christians have nothing to worry about they are children of God and nothing happens without his will.
All the talk of end times is just distractions from prayer.
We have a whole book in the Bible dedicated to “talk of end times”, and Jesus Christ himself clearly spoke of end times to his disciples. To dismiss it now as “just distractions” seems a little too easy, though I agree that one should always keep up one’s prayers and not be distracted excessively by end-times speculations. As for nothing happening without God’s Will, that’s also too easy. God does not will sin, but a whole of sin is nevertheless happening.
Yes!!! That’s exactly what I’m talking about my whole family is freaking out
Tbh even if I had the chance to go against my parents I wouldn’t dare I want to do what they want and I want to please them if they say no then it’s no I won’t ask again and it doesn’t bother me and besides it’s only for another little while I feel like it’s apart of me to do what they say if I go against them it feels like I’m going against every instinct
Yes!!! That’s exactly what I’m talking about my whole family is freaking out
well if you are in the USA you won’t be forced to have a chip implanted. It’s against the HYPP laws to force medical procedures on people. Also against their civil rights per the Supreme Court.

They actually tried to do this with all livestock animals. It got nixed quite swiftly by the horse folks who lead a massive campaign against it.
I bought my dog 2 years ago and she’s still registered to her old owner I just never got around to changing the details
My Friend, There has been speculation in every century about the end of times and so far it has not come so for that reason we should not be distracted by people who spend all their lives pouring through scripture and daily news reports looking for the devil.
we do not have a book dedicated to the end times, many misinterpret Revelations to mean this but it doesn’t, there is just as much end times prophecies in the old testament as there is in the new.

God allows sin it is in his will also, otherwise how would it exist? how would we know good from evil if God did not allow sin? Doesn’t mean he likes it or approves of it, just it could not exist without his will.
Christians should be concerned with today and seek the will of God in their lives, if they do this their preoccupation of end times will disappear and a healthy love for Christ will appear.
My cat has a chip that allows it to open the cat door while other cats have to stay outside. It’s a chip, and a mark, and a beast…
Slightly off topic but there is also comparatively the 666 units of Gold attributed to Solomon in the old testament.

Though I agree with the narrative of it referring to nero it is my opinion that if there is some further fulfillment of this in endtimes what ever it is will somehow involve denying the true christ in order to survive or attain worldly goods.

What ever it is will involve false worship.

There are those with the seal of the spirit and those with the mark of the beast.

The line is pretty clearly drawn.
Well if it is the mark of the beast then …. don’t implant chips in your body no matter what benefits some may say it brings. At least push to the point until it is forced on you.
Chips are already implanted upon agreement in certain companies’ employees that work in the bio-tech IT industry field and in Sweden for certain citizens who want more security to their home. Up until now they are optional. In pictures I have seen the chips I usually implanted in the left hand (but pictures may be mirrored).
I see it as an inhumane measure in which technology has gone too far to say the least.

Conspiracy amateurs still do not explain how the implanted chip actually represents giving up Christ when no such question is being asked to people who are “chipped”. I mean how can the implanted chip mean anything more than voluntarily giving up Christianity or other actions that also imply the use of free will?
But you can tell your family that in any case freaking out simply cannot be helpful in itself.
Some say the Antichrist will simply not rule because Jesus will just stop him however this is not how the Bible presents it to be so I am on the fence here whether we are living those times already or not yet. But if we are living them we should pray more often or something, not just freak out.
And the final message of Revelations is that the story has a happy ending and no matter what weird movies are out there, good will triumph over evil
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) this is what my sister has to say about the matter
Of, course.
We look forward to the days of such things as Psalm 149; Matthew 25:3-46
Rev. 21:9 - 22:5;
When not all who say ‘Lord, Lord’ well enter The Kingdom of God;
but those who do the Will of God.
Those who pray, live, and speak truth - without a spirit of compromise.
We see a lot of ‘spirit of compromise,’ these days claiming to be a spirit of non judge-mentality.
The question of the mark of the beast, can only be answered with; it has always been
with us, since the fall of humankind. Cain did not repent when God warned him;
and murdered his brother. The world has been constantly warned since Adam and Eve;
do not form allegiance with any one or anything other than God and a Covenant
relationship with God.
The culture of death is a result of compromise of the God given dignity and value
of every human life from the moment of conception as primacy in social justice;
with economic justice as primacy. There are many pragmatics that play at the human heart; but none the less this is what has transpired.
The Primacy of God is relinquished to the primacy of creation.
If someone wishes to keep or obtain the Grace of The Seal of God
in their heart, soul, and resourcefulness in prayer, word, and action —
including consenting to the primacy of the dignity and value of every human life…
then choose the primacy of God the Author of Life; by choosing the
God given dignity, value, and Sacredness of every human life.
I am not speaking of those who do not have an informed conscience;
since Jesus Christ said that those who sin in ignorance will receive less stripes
though they deserve more; (neither was John The Apostle, to truly worship
the beast - worldliness - at the expense of truth - one must do this with
full continence - actually reject The Holy Spirit the Giver of Life; or the Urging
of The Holy Spirit; from all Truth proceeds and convicts of sin.);
but to whom much is given much is required.
The culture of death has grown for so long to immense proportions in the U.S.A.;
and world wide, killing tens of thousands of children every single day;
by the compromise of to whom much has been given;
by the use of pragmatism of compromise. This is at every stewardship level.
Peace; and choose life.
" Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved." - Matthew 24:12

“At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.” - Matthew 24:30

“For this reason, you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.” - Matthew 24:44

Jesus Christ gave many signs. But He always commanded vigilance in prayer, holiness, and deeds out of sincere Covenant Love of God and neighbor to be ready to meet Him.
So whether or not He is coming for Final Judgement or a car hits me tomorrow;
or I die of a sudden illness like my cousin Regina;
that is what we should do.
Fr. Thomas Dubay, God Rest his soul; taught about growing in holiness.
At one point he spoke of God or mammon (riches).
Riches are used for many things like gaining personal comfort or pleasure and so forth.
Riches can be used to kill children because they are a inconvenience or a hardship.
Murder is an extremely grave moral evil - so like Jesus Christ told us what is done to the
least is done to Him; and we must love these neighbors of ours like ourselves;
we should never use pragmatics to justify complacency or the primacy of justice
being the protection of the Sacredness of every human life.
Tens of thousands of times a day; Jesus Christ tells us to light our light on the hillside;
and protect Him, in the womb alone. His soul is anguished unto death.
And He tells us, to be in His Kingdom and not of the world by what He told Pilate.
If My Kingdom were of this world myriads of attendants would be here to protect Me.
And, I have come to testify to The Truth; which Pilate answered - what is truth? Shortly before Pilate washed his hands of the blood of Jesus Christ.
__which is exactly what pragmatics does to maintain the culture of death.
It is easy to rail at the darkness; but much more difficult to be salt and light.
;One day, many will beat their chests in true repentance; like many did after
the Crucifixion.

“I say to you that He will execute their avenging in quickness. Nevertheless, the Son of Man having come, will He find faith on the earth?” - Luke 18:8
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Micheal Langton. He is Satan’s son. Lol watch American horror story apocalypse. Jk
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