Is the patriarchy a good thing?

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No, it doesn’t. although some do prefer to interpret equal rights for women as disdain for men.
Feminism absolutely leads to a disdain for men and it is growing worse with time. It is so obvious in television shows and commercials for one. As a woman, I can’t stand to watch the commercials out today due to the way they portray men.It’s horrible. I rarely watch tv anyhow and that is one of the reasons. (there are alot of reasons)

Also, I am a nurse who works in a medical building without about 200 women, a huge amount are feminists and there is a horrible anger or disdain toward men in general, their husbands or ex-husbands and plus anger toward their sons, even their young sons, for the “maleness” in them and it isn’t any longer just about the difference in gender, like “men are from mars and women are from venus”, there is a definite disdain for men.
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Feminist icon, Gloria Steinem: “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” I lived through the Women’s Liberation Movement of the 1970s.
No, it doesn’t. although some do prefer to interpret equal rights for women as disdain for men.
It’s not the principle of feminism that shows a disdain for men, it is the vocal feminists from which that disdain emanates. There is always a bitterness and an axe to grind.
The more likely meaning is that some feminists do have a disdain for men.
That interview she did with Patrick Coffin is one of the best things I’ve seen in a while. She is fabulous.
Sometimes there is more bread on a hamburger than meat. In fact I had one yesterday.
Yes, I did too and there was a time later, after I woke up to the lies of feminism, I was pretty upset with that Gloria Steinem.
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Marriage in the west is at an all time low. The demise of the family is ever present. This is what feminism seems to have accomplished. Sorry if this topic is not politically correct.
men have a huge role to play in this. This is a strawman argument for your premise
As you say, there has never been a successful matriarchal society.
point to a successful patriachal society.

People we cannot argue the woes of feminism = the woes of society. God allowed divorce back in Moses day. That automatically negates this entire argument.
Come up with something concrete
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I mean physically then sure. But aren’t some races stronger than others physically? Do we give them different jobs and tell them what they can’t do?
Men and women were slowly reprogrammed by feminist radicals. Men and women did not even have a species relationship. Have people forgotten the radical feminist lie: My body my choice"? Where was the man in all this? She didn’t get pregnant by herself. So men “learned” how to be irresponsible. They were told to just enjoy the sex. They were free and clear.

Cardinal Sarah addresses this:
God allowed divorce for specific reasons, not for “irreconcilable differences.”

Matthew 19:8
New International Version
Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.”

Matthew 19, 9
New International Version
I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

The Church also recognizes that certain marriages qualify for a decree of nullity.
“A declaration of nullity made by the Catholic Church is distinct from a civil divorce . A civil divorce may serve as proof for the ecclesiastical tribunal that the marriage cannot be rebuilt.”
Yes, total strangers came into our neighborhoods and preached their false gospel starting in the mid 1960s. Have sex with anyone, live with your girlfriend and smoke dope and use other illegal drugs, They were selling corruption disguised as freedom.
I mean physically then sure. But aren’t some races stronger than others physically? Do we give them different jobs and tell them what they can’t do?
Yes. There is a reason I’m not in the NFL and it’s not because I’m allergic to grass. People are not equal. We have different strengths and weaknesses, talents and things to offer society. This doesn’t make one person better than the other but to refuse to acknowledge there is a difference is just refusing to believe reality.
People who despise patriarchy maybe haven’t stopped to wonder whether matriarchy would be any better. Or possibly worse.
“I have seen the future and it is female.” Hillary Clinton. Yeah, they’ve thought about it.
We probably won’t ever agree on this issue so let’s not keep going’s back and forth your opinion Ian yours mine is mine.
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