Is the UN a Force for Good or Ill in the World Today?

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The UN has been under criticism lately, I have to say, in debating with American friends, I have found a new perception of what I thought was a force for good in the world. This week, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has chosen a new chief of staff to help reform the world body, as it deals with corruption claims and strained US ties. Will this affect your confidence in the UN? How do you see it as an organisation?

Some backround-
Saddam Hussein’s regime made billions of dollars more than previously thought from the United Nations oil-for-food programme, US officials have said. There are also allegations that UN staff reaped money from the programme, and that oil money was used to bribe UN employees to back Saddam Hussein, according to reports.…ast/3722270.stm
US publishes Saddam ‘bribe list’.
Oil is Iraq’s most valuable asset Saddam Hussein sought to influence world figures with “oil vouchers” in a bid to get UN sanctions lifted, the US Iraq Survey Group has said in a report.
Iraq oil-for-food probe spreads.
US oil refiner Valero Energy has become the third US company to receive a subpoena seeking information about its role in Iraq’s oil-for-food programme.
The UN is neither a force for good or ill in today’s world. The UN is simply not a force, can you think of one thing they have accomplished in the last 10 years?
can you think of one thing they have accomplished in the last 10 years?
They put the weapons inspectors into Iraq who stated that there were no weapons capable of reeking the destruction JB and TB used to justify invading. Guess what? There were no weapons capable of reeking the destruction JB and TB used to justify invading. Ergo what was the justification? Removal of a tyrant? can’t use that, what about North Korea, Zimbabwe, Angola, China, Russia … et al. How about to protect the Iraqi people? Difficult that, we’ve now killed an estimated 100,000 since the invasion, strange form of protection! The European perspective? It was a knee jerk reaction from a president who couldn’t catch Bin Laden, Theres an old political maxim, “When in trouble, start a war”.
What a lot of people seem to forget is that the forerunner of the UN was the League of Nations. Look what happened when that collapsed, WWII, Is that what people really want?
Wel, I say to keep watch over them.They have strong lobby’s of radical feminist who export abortion and birth control all over the world.They have radical groups that wanted to try our Pope for crimes against humanity because of the Churchs’ stance on condoms.With new childrens rights laws which are good ,there are groups that are lobbying that it is a crime for parents to make their child go to church because it violates the childs rights.I would feel much better about them if they haven’t continually gone to the so called politically correct way of looking at things.God Bless
Wow, we old timers here haven’t heard this junk in at least 2 or 3 hours!!! Thanks for reminding us of how evil our President is, I almost forgot.
They put the weapons inspectors into Iraq who stated that there were no weapons capable of reeking the destruction JB and TB used to justify invading. Guess what? There were no weapons capable of reeking the destruction JB and TB used to justify invading. Ergo what was the justification? Removal of a tyrant? can’t use that, what about North Korea, Zimbabwe, Angola, China, Russia … et al. How about to protect the Iraqi people? Difficult that, we’ve now killed an estimated 100,000 since the invasion, strange form of protection! The European perspective? It was a knee jerk reaction from a president who couldn’t catch Bin Laden, Theres an old political maxim, “When in trouble, start a war”.
What a lot of people seem to forget is that the forerunner of the UN was the League of Nations. Look what happened when that collapsed, WWII, Is that what people really want?
Their leadership failed them and has been corrupt. It is good in theory but has taken a turn for the worse. They need to elect someone that has the interests of the world at heart.
Mostly for evil, I fear. A good idea gone bad. Inspections and peacekeeping are about all that have any merit anymore.

Diplomatically, it is worthless. Not one decisive action in my lifetime. Possibly since the Korean War.

It is horribly corrupt and financially wasteful. If Catholic Relief Services had that kind of funding, hunger and poor sanitation would be wiped out in the portions of the world where it could be safely offered.

The contraceptive and abortion policies foisted on third world nations has/will reap untold misery throughout the world.

The collapst of the League of Nations had nothing to do with WWII. WWII was instigated by the oppressive terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Given the lack of US success in persuading Britain and France to be reasonable in that treaty, I hardly think they would have made magically more progress in League membership.
Scott_Lafrance said:
Wow, we old timers here haven’t heard this junk in at least 2 or 3 hours!!! Thanks for reminding us of how evil our President is, I almost forgot.

I despair!! please note JB = George Bush, TB = Tony Blair. To my knowledge he’s not American yet!

Why does the word Paranoia come to mind.
They put the weapons inspectors into Iraq who stated that there were no weapons capable of reeking the destruction JB and TB used to justify invading. Guess what? There were no weapons capable of reeking the destruction JB and TB used to justify invading. Ergo what was the justification? Removal of a tyrant? can’t use that, what about North Korea, Zimbabwe, Angola, China, Russia … et al. How about to protect the Iraqi people? Difficult that, we’ve now killed an estimated 100,000 since the invasion, strange form of protection! The European perspective? It was a knee jerk reaction from a president who couldn’t catch Bin Laden, Theres an old political maxim, “When in trouble, start a war”.
What a lot of people seem to forget is that the forerunner of the UN was the League of Nations. Look what happened when that collapsed, WWII, Is that what people really want?
WW II did not happen because of the collapse of the League of Nations. It happened because no one in Europe had the guts, especially you Brits, to stand up to Nazi Germany until it was to late and because Japan was imperialistic and wanted to take over all of Asia.
Tell me, is that the same Asia that both the Americans and Brits, and French had stuffed full of military bases, in Singapore, the Philipinnes, etc. etc.?

Now I have no truck with anyone who starts a war, Japanese or otherwise but, please don’t blind yourself to any of the imperialistic countries (and that includes the States) complicity in creating the scene for a war to start. Europe, America and a lot of countries ain’t whiter than white!!!
They put the weapons inspectors into Iraq who stated that there were no weapons capable of reeking the destruction JB and TB used to justify invading. Guess what? There were no weapons capable of reeking the destruction JB and TB used to justify invading. Ergo what was the justification? Removal of a tyrant? can’t use that, what about North Korea, Zimbabwe, Angola, China, Russia … et al. How about to protect the Iraqi people? Difficult that, we’ve now killed an estimated 100,000 since the invasion, strange form of protection! The European perspective? It was a knee jerk reaction from a president who couldn’t catch Bin Laden, Theres an old political maxim, “When in trouble, start a war”.
What a lot of people seem to forget is that the forerunner of the UN was the League of Nations. Look what happened when that collapsed, WWII, Is that what people really want?
Were we imperialist when we saved your butts in WWII? Look…the simple fact is that America is not an imperialist nation and for you to say so is down right offensive…we use our power to bring peace and safety to the world…we help the people who can’t help themselves. America has done more good than any nation on this earth. We have sacraficed hundreds upon thousands of our brave men and women to ensure no one has to suffer under a tyrannical dictatorship…The problem with you and the rest of the world is not that we are truly a bad nation…it is that you are jealous of us.
Tell me, is that the same Asia that both the Americans and Brits, and French had stuffed full of military bases, in Singapore, the Philipinnes, etc. etc.?

Now I have no truck with anyone who starts a war, Japanese or otherwise but, please don’t blind yourself to any of the imperialistic countries (and that includes the States) complicity in creating the scene for a war to start. Europe, America and a lot of countries ain’t whiter than white!!!
Propaganda is a dangerous tool, and no more dangerous than when a nation believes its own!!
Tell me, is that the same Asia that both the Americans and Brits, and French had stuffed full of military bases, in Singapore, the Philipinnes, etc. etc.?

Now I have no truck with anyone who starts a war, Japanese or otherwise but, please don’t blind yourself to any of the imperialistic countries (and that includes the States) complicity in creating the scene for a war to start. Europe, America and a lot of countries ain’t whiter than white!!!
I find you accusation that the US is imperialistic offensive. The only thing we ever asked of any country we have defended was enough ground to bury our dead. We are far from perfect, but we are not the threat to the world you would like everyone to believe we are. Radical Islam is the major threat to the world today. You don’t have to like it but it is a fact you can not refute.
Lance…dont’ worry about him…he is just jealous of our great and wonderful nation…I would be too if I didn’t live here…but don’t you worry, his/her attitude along with the rest of the worlds attitude changes as soon as they get into a mess they can’t clean up themselves, then they pucker up and kiss our butts and beg for our help…just so they can bash us again when it is all over.
I find you accusation that the US is imperialistic offensive. The only thing we ever asked of any country we have defended was enough ground to bury our dead. We are far from perfect, but we are not the threat to the world you would like everyone to believe we are. Radical Islam is the major threat to the world today. You don’t have to like it but it is a fact you can not refute.
Lance…dont’ worry about him…he is just jealous of our great and wonderful nation…I would be too if I didn’t live here…but don’t you worry, his/her attitude along with the rest of the worlds attitude changes as soon as they get into a mess they can’t clean up themselves, then they pucker up and kiss our butts and beg for our help…just so they can bash us again when it is all over.
I guess you are right, the only time anyone likes the cop is when they are being robbed or beat up. If I did not live here, I would be busting my butt trying to figure out a way to get here.
Amen to that brother.
I guess you are right, the only time anyone likes the cop is when they are being robbed or beat up. If I did not live here, I would be busting my butt trying to figure out a way to get here.
The UN is neither a force for good or ill in today’s world. The UN is simply not a force, can you think of one thing they have accomplished in the last 10 years?
The organization commited to organizing the possibility of organizing in order to possibly do something…if it’s possible.
News Flash. In Jakarta today the countries involved in relieving the desperate plight of those caught in the Tsunami have ALL agreed that the finances should be handled, distributed and controlled by the UN.

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