Is there a right or wrong way to view the world?

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No, there is no single way to view issues of contention in our society. Discerning the 10 Commandments, the Beatitudes, and the Gospels seems like a good starting point.

No one can be 100% certain of God’s will over a lifetime. If you do your best to unite your will to God’s and allow the Holy Spirit into your heart, you should be off to a good start. God will know you are doing the best you can. I think that is what he wants from us.
I don’t like politics but Catholics should be for and against certain things, like abortion. The Church doesn’t tell us who to vote for but how to bring our values into making decisions when voting on an issue or candidate
I agree abortion is very bad, but so is not helping the poor. Sadly, no party has both those issues as points of concern combined.
Yes, but one offense is murder, and the other means you just have to go to a private entity for aid as opposed to big gov’t
Before this thread is shut down, I will say that political correctness is weakness, false compassion, as it defers to societal pressure at the cost of the truth. Also, that our culture is formed (programmed) by the media. Critical thinking skills have atrophied to a dangerous low point, in which the majority will go for anything as long as “it just feels right.”

Germany 1933. Other examples abound.
A lot of people don’t know how propaganda works, and haven’t studied Germany in 1933. [Time magazine named Hitler as The Man of the Year in 1938.]

“Political Correctness” is a term invented by the Left to get society to think their way and to get their way. And what choice does the average person have regarding the “news”? Accept or reject it. Doing research takes too long. It is much easier to swallow it as is. Why would the media lie or be biased? Certainly not in America or the UK, but a clear bias exists. “You should be thinking what we want you to think 24/7. You should make our concerns your concerns.”

Sorry - I don’t buy much of what the media is peddling. Internet Opinion Culture is not helping. There is a right answer and a wrong answer. Individual opinions are just that - individual. And I don’t like the current level of nonsense in the media, including portraying perverse and dysfunctional lifestyles as “entertainment.”

Learn. Educate yourself.
Political Persuasion and Propaganda was my favorite class in college. Liberals have no idea how much of the Nazi playbook they take for granted and use today.
It’s the Marxist playbook that is being used. Religion is a primary enemy. And doing it right requires skill and sophisticated knowledge regarding the best way to get the public to accept the message.
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Do you think if most people were more educated or rational they would hold conservative beliefs?
Being educated doesn’t mean one is more likely to debate with integrity, to not use ad hominems.
Integrity is the fundamental problem, not education
I haven’t explored the issues myself. I’m more in the gray. I don’t think they are right but I don’t think they are completely wrong either.
Explains a lot and is what I had suspected. I think it’s the same with most Dem voters.
I still don’t necessarily feel in all cases abortion is wrong. I don’t necessarily feel I’d vote conservative because I became more educated on the topic. I know plenty of people more educated than me on politics that are still liberal or democratic. I’m tired of conservative supposedly being the route to holiness or the only way a Catholic should vote. I believe in global warming. I didn’t truly have an issue with the conservative party until the election of Donald Trump. I don’t understand his appeal. I understand Ted Cruz or Romney. I don’t understand it.
There are. A couple of talk radio programs that can explain the moral political views that progressive liberals have and their agenda.
It helps to work thru the propaganda.
Instead of viewing ourselves as conservatives or liberals, let’s rather view ourselves as CATHOLIC.
Yes. Politics does consume some people, and I don’t like labels. So, as the Church tells us: be aware of these particular issues, they are important. Have a properly formed conscience. I have no political party affiliation.
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