Not at all. Among other reasons, putting one finger next to another finger doesn’t give you two fingers at all, but one finger next to another. Just because they are slightly closer to each other doesn’t affect an ontological change. However, it could. There is no reason why when, say, when placing two coins next to each other, a third couldn’t spontaneously appear. Other than that it hasn’t so far, of course. That would be a bona fide way of 1+1=3. Or one of the coins could disappear, making 1 + 1 = 0. Or we could deny the law of noncontradiction, and say that 1 + 1 = 0 OR 2 OR 3 OR X, where X = any number, or maybe not.
My point is that just because you’re very certain about something doesn’t mean it’s any more certainly true than anything else. You may well simply be deluded more strongly that usual.