Well, wadya know.
God can do the ‘logically impossible’.
God has a nature. God is consistent and simple. In other words, God’s unity of being and acting does not have contradictions or partitions. And God is not subject to anything, whether it be forces or concepts.
God’s potency does not violate this nature. If it did, then we would observe God acting in a way that contradicts God’s being, and that can’t be (pun intended).
God does not exercise power in the same way creatures would exercise it. Human beings might exercise power in arbitrary ways; to murder others for instance. Because God is consistent and immutable, God’s potency to do something does not mean it’s in God’s nature to do it.
And here’s the practical human application of this:
We have people claiming that although it seems to be in their nature to be a man or a woman, they have the power to claim something else, and they
do claim something else, and they go to the extent of maiming themselves in the exercise of personal power over their nature.
And that’s irrational.
God is not irrational. God is not necessarily logical like human beings are logical in materially based ways (the resurrection is not really logical), but God is reasonable and approachable. If God is love, then God communicates himself, and to communicate one’s self means to approach the beloved and be approachable in mind, body, heart, soul…the whole person.
And so we have Christ, who is God’s logos, or reason-ability. Christ is the full and final revelation of how God
is. God so desires to communicate with us that God becomes of one nature with us while retaining the mystery of God’s divine nature as well.