Is there anything God can't do?

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If you’d like some insight into how the Trinity is logically coherent, I would suggest reading through this thread here:
Logical coherency of the Trinity Philosophy
But the Church has infallibly been able to define the doctrine of the Trinity hasnt it. So the Church must have been comfortable at least with some concepts. Weve all heard the saying: “Faith and reason are not contradictory.” Or at least something to that effect
Au contraire! Limitations of God’s nature are impossible. His nature is immutable and your assertion requires mutability. Man, as we see from our contorted thinking is nothing but limitations.
Surely God is free to set a limitation upon Himself if He wants.
Actually, no, he cannot. That would amount to a change in His nature. Look up “immutable.”
Most so-called philosophy is not philosophy at all. It is over-thinking, one of the epidemics of our age. Most of it gives me a headache.

Related to that, much content here at Contrary Answers Forums seems to pertain to a god that is very human. Weaknesses, fickle nature. Retains the prerogative to change his mind, not capable of doing logically impossible things - stuff like that.

I honestly do not know what the average concept of the God of Israel is these days.
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Being simultaneously three and one of the same thing is logically impossible. That is not what the doctrine of the Trinity teaches, however.
No, “circle” and “square” are mathematical concepts defined by humans. Something cannot be both “the collection of points equidistant from a common center” and “a quadrilateral with equal sides that all meet at right angles.”
Surely God is free to set a limitation upon Himself if He wants.
God has to be omnipotent. This means that God by definition cannot have a limitation. God can choose not to do something, but he can’t choose to be unable to do something.
Actually, no, he cannot. That would amount to a change in His nature. Look up “immutable.”
God is immutable insofar as He cannot be changed by others.

It can be God’s will to be immutable.
It can be in His nature to be averse to change.
He can be voluntarily immutable by virtue of the fact that He omnisciently sees no benefit in change.

But there is nothing involuntary or compulsory about God’s behaviour.
Surely God is free to set a limitation upon Himself if He wants.
God has to be omnipotent. This means that God by definition cannot have a limitation. God can choose not to do something, but he can’t choose to be unable to do something.
Why must God be omnipotent? Who says so?
God has such a monumental over-abundance of unused power that He could literally give away half His omnipotence and still be the most powerful Being in existence.
Note that our omnipotent God seems quite capable of selectively conceding temporary power whenever He wishes.
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Being simultaneously three and one of the same thing is logically impossible. That is not what the doctrine of the Trinity teaches, however.
You would be surprised how many people think that is exactly what the doctrine of the Trinity teaches.
Is there anything God can’t do?
God is omniscient; He knows everything. Hence He can never learn something new.

God is omnipresent; He is everywhere. Hence He can never move. He cannot leave the starting point and He cannot arrive at the destination because He is already there.

An omni- property can sometimes be a limit on what God can do.
Why must God be omnipotent? Who says so?
If you’re looking for biblical truth, it has been stated many times.
God has such a monumental over-abundance of unused power that He could literally give away half His omnipotence and still be the most powerful Being in existence.
You can’t divide infinity by half.
Note that our omnipotent God seems quite capable of selectively conceding temporary power whenever He wishes.
I can choose not to draw a stick man, but that doesn’t mean that I’m unable to do so.

I’m trying to understand your position. Are you saying that an omnipotent God must be able to do things that are illogical? Eg a circle with 90 degree angles? A married bachelor?
No, because that involves a logical contradiction, which God can’t do by definition.
That is the correct answer in its simplest form. Any answers disputing that answer are incorrect insofar as they dispute that answer.
A square circle is a contradiction in terms. It is not a possible reality, it is nothing. A rock that God cannot lift is a contradiction in terms. It is nothing. And nothing IS impossible to God.
This is a very helpful expansion on the correct answer.
You live in a world with set mathematical rules and concepts that God put in place. If God chose to take these mathematical concepts away and replace them I don’t see why he can’t make a circle with ninety degree angles. Obviously we can’t imagine what it would look like. But it could happen.
The rock question in itself is an attempt to limit God. It presents a nonsensical premise and asks for a rational answer in an attempt to “trap” God. Nonsensical premises do not yield rational answers.

Since God is the perfect unity of being and acting, or “the act of to be”, God does not do something that God is not.
God does not violate God’s being. That would be nonsensical.

This has implications for our way of being and acting also.

For instance: I am a man. I cannot be a woman, even if I have the power to alter my body. And I cannot do childbirth. All of this requires the ability for sane observation, which unfortunately, has been clouded in modern man.
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It’s a nonsensical question. The phrases “can God” and “[God] is not strong enough” are both self-contradictory.
Other than contradiction, there’s one other set of things he can’t do. He can’t break a promise to humanity. Think about that. The infinite God gave up some of his power to humans like us.

(Of course God can do things like flood earth again, but he can’t because he promised he would not and since God is all truth he can’t say one thing and do another.)
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