It’s something I ponder a lot. I do give fairly generously to the Church, and when I add up everything I give to in a month, which includes churches, Catholic charities, secular charities, state agencies etc it’s probably around 8-10 percent of my net (not my gross). I am not really seeing the churches I need desperately in need of money; when I see them having a major repair, like one church had a parking lot partial collapse, I will give them extra to help with that, but I think there’s some lack of accountability as to where my money goes when it’s going off to the Diocese (as my churches must pay some percentage to the Diocese each year), and this is one reason why I’m not really comfortable with tithing.
Tithing makes the most sense when people are paying to support their local church, their local priest and their local poor because you can see where the need is and see how the money is being spent. The Catholic Church on a diocesan level is not providing that kind of feedback very well.