Yes, but I would like to point out that an annulment doesn’t dissolve marriage bonds, but declares that such bonds never validly and fully were.
Even when there are no grounds for nullity, it can be morally permissible for a married Catholic couple to obtain a civil divorce for division of their assets for their separation with the bond remaining.
Can. 1151 Spouses have the duty and right to preserve conjugal living
unless a legitimate cause excuses them.
Can. 1153 §1. If either of the spouses causes
grave mental or physical danger to the other spouse or to the offspring or otherwise renders common life too difficult, that spouse gives the other a legitimate cause for leaving, either by decree of the local ordinary or even on his or her own authority if there is danger in delay.
To the OP: I would not leap to the conclusion that this marriage is not doing you grave harm. Having said that, as others have said this is a matter for a qualified ear who has heard the particulars of your case and has had an opportunity to ask pertinent questions.
Make an appointment with your pastor–you should ask for at least half an hour–in order to ask your pastor about your situation in some depth. Just say you have a matter of a personal nature and you need his advice. When you get it, go from there.
Shows of contempt and the silent treatment (stonewalling) are two of Gottman’s four marks of a marriage that is going to end in an emotional or civil divorce, marks he calls “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalpyse.” The other two are personal criticisms and defensiveness.
Four Do's & Don'ts of Marriage - Catholic CounselorsCatholic Counselors)
If you’re not leaving, you need a plan for saving your marriage. Living in a defacto divorced situation and doing nothing about it is no way to live. That is not a conjugal life.
Generally speaking, if civil divorce is necessary for just division of marital property it is morally allowed even if the couple is separated with the bond remaining–that is, not candidates for a decree of nullity. A civil divorce is not something to be entered into lightly, but that does not mean it is forbidden to validly married couples (or couples in a putative marriage when the grounds for nullity are uncertain) when it is necessary.
One has to hope that the husband’s affection-withholding behavior, which must also be harming him, can be remedied and that this couple can somehow mend their relationship. I don’t know if that is possible, but the chances of a reconciliation and survival of this marriage grow dimmer every day that this “apocalyptic” situation goes on. What good does it do to preserve the pretext of a marriage? It is the harmonious marriage that benefits children, family and friends, not marriages that are more opportunities for mutual psychic harm than for anything else.