Much like the chart much higher up, there’s a complete path on the flowchart to lead you to Christianity if you are a believer. It stops short if you’re not Christian, even if you are a member of another religion.What makes you think it comes from a monotheistic or Judeo Christian worldview?
What makes me ‘highly’ skeptical?You seem to be highly sceptical.
When discussing philosophy it’s important to define terms regardless. Relying on assumptions leads to communication issues. I’ll highlight some below. While trying to answer them honestly, I’m not trying to be pendantic, I’m just trying to point out how the vagueness could be misread.To me the questions seem perfectly clear, so maybe you could take a look in a dictionary for any words you don’t understand.
Do you have the power to make free choices?
Free of what? I would say it appears to be that I do for what I think most people would call a free choice. But for example I have a sweet tooth, it’s difficult for me to avoid sweets or stick to a reasonable amount. Now I certainly can will myself not to, but it takes seemingly more effort than many others I know. Is that a free decision? It’s heavily influenced by a lot of things going on in my brain that are out of my control, but ultimately my sweet tooth can’t drive me to the store to buy candy.
Is there an objective truth?
I think there are a lot of objective truths. Some are mathematical or definitional, 1 foot is the same as 12 inches for example is true by definition, it cannot conceivably be false because their definitions are interconnected. Someone could make a 13" ruler and call it a foot, but they’d be discussing a different concept by the same name. I think there are observable truths, things we can measure and have an extremely high confidence in. The wavelength of colors of light, the speed of sound, the weight of an object. Especially when compared to corroborating results of others we can be extremely confident in the reliability of such things. I would say at least in the physical world that we can observe, there is a truth that we then measure to varying degrees of accuracy.
Is it possible to know the truth?
I should have combined this with the above but to summarize it depends on the truth of what. A definition truth much like a mathematical proof is true by definition, we define these truths into existence. I tend to see ‘knowing’ as coming down to degrees of confidence. I know 2+2 is 4 with whatever the closest thing humans can achieve to absolute certainty, I know the sky appears blue because I have a human amount of personal experience and it’s been corroborated by others.
Is anything objectively good or bad?
We’d need to define good and bad before I can tell you if it can be objectively measured. I would say there are numerous objective observations we can make to help in determining the good/badness of an act.
Is there a God?
Which God? I’ve yet to see compelling evidence for one presented.