Do you believe in God…yes/no…if no
Do you believe that meaning is to be found in the world…yes/no…if no you are a Nihilist, if yes
Is meaning to be found in experience…yes/no…if yes you are an Existentialist, if no
Is meaning to be found in humanity…yes/no…if yes you are a Humanist, if no
Is meaning to be found in nature…yes/no…if yes you are a naturalist, if no
Is meaning found by each person…yes/no…if yes you are a relativist, if no then where do you find meaning?
I’m with Dan…I could answer yes to several of these categories. I’m a Humanist AND I’m a Naturalist AND I’m a Relativist…
I lost my faith many many years ago. When I finally accepted my agnosticism, I didn’t even know there was a word for it or that there were any others that held my view…yet, I had a world view, im sure. I just didn’t have categories to put them into yet. Those developed over time and have shifted around a bit , too.
I’d have to agree that first and foremost, I’m a naturally skeptical person. I’ve always had trouble with authorities, also. I accept some authorities but on my terms, not defined by others.
I think society and our interactions with other people, especially those with views different than ours, shape us in a variety of ways. Im sure my morality was partially developed by being raised an Orthodox Jew but so did going to college, marriage and children.
Later, when I began hooking up with other atheists online, I had an explosion of ideas that further shaped me…first of all, that I wasn’t the only one out there! It’s where I first read of Humanism and agreed with most of it…same with materialism and Naturalism. I already had the world views contained in much of them, I just now had a name to attach to it…and not one alone defines my views though they come pretty close.
I agree as well with Five Linden…situational ethics/morality is the only school that made sense to me. Absolute morality never did as it’s always interpreted by people…ie. Subjects…and becomes subjective in reality.