For simplicity sake, I’ll divide irreligious people into roughly three groups.
In Group #1, you have people whose motto is “live and let live” or “you do you”. These people don’t really think about supernatural occurrences in their daily life, and if it’s brought up in conversation they’ll say they don’t believe in God, but they don’t really mind if others do. I think the vast majority of irreligious people are in this group.
In Group #2, you have Atheist Churches. Basically these people are like those in group 1, but they still see how places of worship can provide a sense of community and make major life events feel meaningful. As a result they found churches that provide those things while still being in line with their own values.
In Group #3, you have New Atheists. These are a minority, but they’re very vocal. They believe religion shouldn’t be tolerated but rather should be ridiculed and criticized at all points. These people go out of their way to convince religious people to become atheists. On YouTube you’ll find a lot of channels with titles that include words like “Skeptic”, “Rational”, or “Atheist” and whose videos are all about complaining about religion. In bookstores you’ll find books called “The God Delusion” or “Root of All Evil”. Running a YouTube channel or publishing a book takes a lot of time and energy, so these people do consider their atheism a big part of their personality.