Is this a good or bad idea?

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I was thinking to make Christianitywiki[.org] and the purpose of it is to prove that Islam does tolerate and respect all religions and faiths.

Who can be user? Only Christians can be users and even Biblical unitarians can be users as well. And if I see someone who is not a Christian and wants to be a user, then he is automatically rejected and kicked out. And every Christian can be user, but if he is a scholar, priest or pastor, then he is more than welcome.

Topics: In this wiki, one can find absolitely everything about Christianity something which in wikipedia you cannot find it. And here you can even have a dicussion between users as well and you can even create sections as you like. And if you want to make biography of Sayyiduna Isa(a.s.) or in English our lord Jesus according to Bible, then go ahead and do so, I don’t mind what you’re writing. And if you want to write history of Christianity, then you are free to do so.

Warning: critical and negative materials are not allowed in this wiki and if something like this happens, it shall be deteleted. Because, in here it’s about respecting all religions and faiths. Because, Quran says to you is your religion and to me is my religion.

I’ll also try to be in collaboration with some Muslim organization and Christian organization and try to find someone who wishes to support this wiki

What you say about this idea? Good idea, isn’t it?

Oh but, don’t start to do this before me, because that would be stealing:sweat_smile:😅 because I come up first with such idea:))
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What the Quran teaches is not very tolerant.

The Quran says “not to make friendship with Jews and Christians” (5:51), “kill the disbelievers wherever we find them” (2:191), “murder them and treat them harshly” (9:123), “fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem”.
Boring and old argument and those verses have been already been debunked. So it waste of time to even quote them. This is exactly what the terrorists are doing, they really don’t know Islam. Please subscribe to and see how wrong you are about Islam. Because, you literally do not know Islam, so how can you argue with me? I can give you many websites which can explain to you those verses where you do not understand them.

By the way, Awliyah has the meaning in this verse as allies and not as friends, so you got wrong translation. Also, I should mention that these verses are mostly quoted and misinterpretated and taken out of context just to give discredit to Islam
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Boring and old argument and those verses have been already been debunked. So it waste of time to even quote them. This is exactly what the terrorists are doing, they really don’t know Islam. Please subscribe to and see how wrong you are about Islam. Because, you literally do not know Islam, so how can you argue with me? I can give you many websites which can explain to you those verses where you do not understand them.
Who wants to know Islam. The thrust of Islam is to convert everyone by conversion or coercion if necessary. It is a religion of violence.
Yes I know, but not every translation is correct. And I can prove that his translation is not all the time correct. Because, I have noticed that he made a musleading translation. And I’m gonna correct that
No no, not true. This has happened thousands of years ago. I can prove you wrong. For starters, please subscribe to my own website where I will make a succesful debunk the myth that Islam is violent. And the website is called Discovet Sunni Islam. Also, I will dedicate myself in exposing the terrorists as hypocrites, liars and deceivers with real facts. For now I have exposed the lies and hypocrisy of Al Qaida and next I will also expose the lies and hypocrisy of ISIS as well in short time, because I have collected strong and authentic evidence against ISIS. And I will also expose every single terrorist group inam short time so you can see that they are unislamic and real Muslims like myself and also the Salafis do speak out strongly against them.
No no, not true. This has happened thousands of years ago. I can prove you wrong. For starters, please subscribe to my own website where I will make a succesful debunk the myth that Islam is violent. And the website is called Discovet Sunni Islam. Also, I will dedicate myself in exposing the terrorists as hypocrites, liars and deceivers with real facts. For now I have exposed the lies and hypocrisy of Al Qaida and next I will also expose the lies and hypocrisy of ISIS as well in short time, because I have collected strong and authentic evidence against ISIS. And I will also expose every single terrorist group inam short time so you can see that they are unislamic and real Muslims like myself and also the Salafis do speak out strongly against them.
I’m not subscribing to your website and I believe it is against forum rules for anyone to promote another website.
That’s not promoting and I don’t mean to go against any site. The purpose of this is to show you that you were wrong about Islam. That’s the whole point.
That’s not promoting and I don’t mean to go against any site. The purpose of this is to show you that you were wrong about Islam. That’s the whole point.
I’m not wrong. Islam is a religion of violence. The word Islam mean submission and the aim is for everyone in the world to submit preferably by conversion but if not then by coercion!
This is unbelievable. Islam has many meanings and not just submission.

Could you try to learn new things?
This time, I agree with what you said. Unfortunately this is sad reality and is actually great corruption
No, I know that this is what you believe. How else are you gonna change your views about this religion if you don’t try something new?
I wish I could change drastically and quickly the Middle East on how should Islam be practiced, but I don’t have credibility nor qualification on anything…

The only thing I can do is to supplicate to God Almighty so He can change drastically and quickly Middle East on how should Islam be practiced
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