Is Windows morally acceptable?

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Microsoft and Biill Gates are major pro-choice players, so I use Linux (SuSE distribution) for my OS and OpenOffice1.1.1 for my office suite ( it reads and creates MSOffice compatible documents ). However, I have a multiple bookt system with Win98 SE simply because it is occasionaly convenient.
Is that morally acceptable ? If it is ok, is it even acceptable to pay money for an OS when you can get such a great OS free legally ?
I suppose that would depend. I wasn’t aware that Bill was pro-Choice. I would think that if the money being made by Gates/MS is being used to propel the Pro-Choice agenda, then i would see an issue.

BTW, OpenOffice owns!! 🙂
Naturally, as a Certified Novell Administrator, I think that SuSE is superior to Windows. As far as Windows being morally unacceptable, well, I’ve involved Novell in my post and I don’t want to threaten my certification so I won’t say. 😃
As there are thousands of people who contribute to open source software, I am quite sure that there are a fair number of pro-abortion programmers whose source code is included in Linux and other open source products.
Is that morally … acceptable to pay money for an OS when you can get such a great OS free legally ?
See, this statement makes me wonder whether you are truly interested in the pro-choice versus pro-life aspects of Microsoft, or if you are just one of the many people who love to bash Microsoft.

Are you going to go through life investigating the pro-life versus pro-choice position of every business you purchase from? How about the shirt you are wearing? Is that company pro-life? What about your shoes? Pro-life? What about your car? Pro-life? What about your dishes, your computer, your lawnmower, etc. etc. etc.

I think it is a crazy waste of time and energy to ensure every product and service is from a pro-life source. What if your car company is pro-life, but the dealer you bought it from is not? What if the dealer is pro-life, but the salesman who works there is not? It quickly is seen as unworkable.

Now, Bowie Kuhn does have a Catholic Mutual Fund, where he invests the time and energy to screen companies for adherence to major Catholic teachings. Choosing to patronize such a business does seem reasonable and workable to me.
Yes, there are pro-abortion programmers who write open source, and I exploit them. When they write open source code, they are keeping their noses clean and not doing pro-abortion stuff and not making money.

I buy nearly everything used except food , gas, and tomato plants. The thrift shops and rummage sales are safe. As for food, about half our diet is Dakota Maid flour . Dakota Maid is a state run cooperative in North dakota that makes wonderful, cheap, unbleached flours. I reccomend it for making hosts for Mass, for those of you who do.
Bill Gates also supports other charities, and does direct charity himself. This is a moral question that has been around much longer than Bill, and the net result is that you are not directly, and hardly indirectly, supporting his choices. He does not say “Buy my software and I will donate $.13 directly to Planned Parenthood”, or anything related. I do not know of Microsoft supporting Planned Parenthood (perhaps they do), but Bill is supporting whatever as an individual. And I would imagine that anyone such as he also has other sources of investment income; as such, it is even more removed from the moral equation.

You are certainly welcome to boycott his products. I boycott Levi Strauss for their adamant stance on gays; they are well beyond just the issue of the right to a job (which, by the way, the Church also supports), and this is a stance of the corporation, not the major stockholder.

You are not, however, required to boycott Bill’s companie’s products.
What are the stances of Steve Ballmer and Paul Allen?

What about the stances of the individual developers or testers at MS?

currently working at Microsoft.
But, Paul says that we are only to judge those within the church, not out of it. He says that we must go out into the world, it can’t be helped. I would say that using Windows is a neccessary part of ‘going out into world’ in our society.

Read what Paul has to say in I Corinthians 5.9:

"I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral persons–not at all meaning the immoral of this world, or the greedy and robber, or idolaters, since you would then need to go out of the world. But, now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother or sister who is sexually immoral or greedy, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or robber. Do not even eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging those outside? Is it not those who are inside that you are to judge? God will judge those outside. 'Drive out the wicked person from among you’

I think this passage means that we are only to judge those within the church for sin. Bill Gates is not Catholic, although his wife is. I think Paul is also saying that it is neccessary for us to associate with unrepentant sinners in order to live in this world, it can’t be helped.

Now, John Kerry, who claims to be Catholic, is wide open for critisim from us, I would say.
Thats crazy I didnt know Bill Gates was pro-death…of course that doesnt suprise me.

I guess the difference is whether the profits from his company is funding it.

Take Pepsi for instance. Whether your aware of it or not Pepsi contributes its profits to Planned Parenthood who supports abortion. Therefore it is wrong to support Pepsico Companies.

Although I dont trust Microsoft as far as I can throw them I wouldnt have a job without them.
No, using Windoze is wrong. Even if Bubba Gates didn’t use your money to kill children, it’d still be wrong. Micro$oft is an evil corporation that is trying to control every aspect of computing. The worst part of all is that other people go along with it and only write software for Windoze. Trying to get a printer to work with a non-Windoze system is a real pain because many manufacturers don’t feel like releasing drivers for any other system.

Stick with GNU/Linux. While you’re at it, get rid of SuSE. Everyone knows Debian is the best distro.

Jason (Windoze free since 2001)
While I agree with an earlier post that it is impossible to know the investments of all corporations, it seems to me that if you know someone like Bill Gates supports abortion and “family planning” thru his charities you should avoid their products. However, I am personally opposed to Windows products because they lock customers into their products by giving the products away for free and then later charging outrageous fees once we are “hooked”.

I would love for Catholic schools and parishes to look into open source solutions such as Linux (Mandrake is my flavor) and OpenOffice. Not only would they save a tremendous amount of money on license, they would enjoy greater uptime, cheaper hardware, and fewer viruses.

I dunno…
You do realize that the “Church” of Satan uses macs exclusively right?



Although, when they tried to join in the “Think Different” campaign online a while back, Apple asked them to stop.
Eh, it’s alright if Satanists use it. The only tarnish upon Apple is that Army is using a bunch of Xserves 😛
Microsoft and Biill Gates are major pro-choice players,
You know, I didn’t even think to challenge this earlier. Can you prove this? Cite a single, reputable, published source.

It is easy for all the anti-Microsoft bashers in the world to sling charges around. I noticed the pattern in earlier replies that many people just seemed to accept that your charge is factual. Is it?
I don’t this it is immoral buy MS. Anyway FWIW, I use Linux. I also like LAUNCH which virtually requires Windows but there is a pretty solid way to get around that.

To me it is just a matter of preference. I just like Linux.
You know, I didn’t even think to challenge this earlier. Can you prove this? Cite a single, reputable, published source.

It is easy for all the anti-Microsoft bashers in the world to sling charges around. I noticed the pattern in earlier replies that many people just seemed to accept that your charge is factual. Is it?

I don’t think it’s a secret. But Steve Jobs gives insurance to so-called domestic partners. I think we need to evaluate Microsoft from a social justice perspective. They are guilty of monopoly capitalism, collusion with government, built in obsolescene, etc… Gates just cut Health Insurance benefits for his employees–a two million dollar annual savings while they sit on some 50 billion. I think people should use Apples because they are a better product by far.

Chris C.
Chris C.:

I don’t think it’s a secret.
Don’t side step it, Microsoft either supports abortion or not. Which is it?
Chris C.:
I think we need to evaluate Microsoft from a social justice perspective. They are guilty of monopoly capitalism, collusion with government, built in obsolescene, etc…
I don’t buy into this socialist microsoft bashing at all. If you don’t like Microsoft, fine. But don’t try to cloak it in spurious attempts at theology.
While we’re at it. Does anyone know what Linus Torvald’s views on abortion are? If he was pro-abortion would we still be able to use the Linux kernel? Isn’t Richard Stallman an avowed atheist? I could have sworn I read that somewhere.

What about Steve Jobs? We know he’s anti marriage since he gives “domestic partner” benefits. So does that make Apple computers morally reprehensible too?
Linux is free; Linus Torvalds does not get any royalties from any distributors of Linux. He has granted a permanent public license that does not allow anyone else to patent or copywrite Linux. I am under the impression he makes a very comfortable living consulting, but again, he gets no Linux royalties.

The Microsoft /Bill Gates/ Planned Parenthood connection is common knowledge. A 10 second web search will bear that out.

One of the points of this thread is that everyone’s hands are a little dirty; we all hget materialcomfort from evil in this society.

Most people will say, “well, duh!” but having a firm grasp of the obvious is no disadvantage
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