But some people do pay for Linux. Not everyone gets it for free.When I use gcc, bash, or other GNU software, Richard Stallman (RMS) normally doesn’t profit from it since I didn’t actually pay anything for it most of the time. The FSF doesn’t support abortion, although some of its members might. The FSF promotes free software and opposes unjust laws (DMCA, for example). Their work with patent laws is especially noble and is more consistent with Catholic social teaching than current software patent laws (but that’s a topic for another thread). Software patents are scarry.
Also Microsoft does not support abortion, Bill Gates does.
As for this almost every corpration out there participates with the United Way which supports Planned Parenthood and other abortion charities.At any rate, I would have a hard time living in this world if I only bought products made and sold by people who are pro-life. I recently purchased a new car. I doubt the manufacturer gives money to Planned Parenthood or lobbies for more abortions, but I can be reasonably certain that someone who was involved in designing, making, or selling the car has done something to promote abortion.
And then lets look at our insurance plans. Some of them pay for abortions and contraception. In New York State it is mandated that they pay for contraception. Not sure on the abortion issue.
While ture, bash is the most popular shell in Linux, so much so that the bourne shell (sh) is just really a link to the bash shell.By the way, Linux itself isn’t affliated with the FSF. Linux is the kernel to an Operating System. The FSF started out with the intent of producing an OS called GNU. The FSF wrote all the utilities necessary for an OS, but didn’t have a workable kernel until recently (and that kernel is called Hurd).
Linus Torvalds wrote a kernel now called Linux. Eventually, all the GNU utilities were combined with the Linux kernel and became GNU/Linux (which everyone just calls Linux). The Linux kernel is maintained by Torvalds, not RMS or the FSF.