Islam is incompatible with the laws and principles of the United States | Opinion | Lifesitenews

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What people who complained about Kennedy were complaining about was that they felt he would put the Pope and the Church ahead of the government if push came to shove. It had nothing to do with the Fullness of all Truth.
If the OP would allow it, I’d like to clarify something.

I don’t have a dog in this fight regarding refugee quarters surrounded by walls in Israel. It’s not my intent to have an anti-Palestinian, pro-Israel argument here. It’s not that all, my in-laws were from Syria and they are Catholic. My daughter is Syrian!~

My problem is with the faith of Islam alone. They are teaching young children that dying with a bomb strapped on your back taking out as many souls as possible will win them great reward with Allah. This is factual. 911 first responders that survived are still suffering the consequences of the rescue and clean up and I side with my country. If anything we can pray for the children being raised in the generational tradition of this faith in these countries because these are countries that will have children that grow into adults. Dialogue with religious extremism is close to impossible.

Woman are suppressed and oppressed in their societies, they can be bought and sold into slavery as objects of sex play…acid in their faces has brought about a few horrific pain staking images to our society when Muslim women dared to defy a husband or wanted a divorce!~

I stand by them in solidarity…reading and study is our friend not our enemy and I am shocked no one mentioned Malala Yousufzai who won the Nobel peace prize.

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My point is Islam and Catholicism are an apples and oranges comparison in this scenario, and the topic was not about fealty to a religious leader, but whether or not Islam is compatible with US ideals.

Again, I didn’t bring up Catholicism, but if as we know, one is true, and one isn’t.
I agree that Catholicism is not the same, unfortunately there are those who still think we are a close second.
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no one mentioned Malala Yousufzai
I had forgotten about her.
She stood up for women’s rights, and for that the Taliban shot her in the head and almost killed her.

Do you have any good links to her story.
You can send it to me by email at my web page if you like.

I have a dear friend at work who is a Muslim, and many other Muslim friends as well. I am not against Muslims. I think that in people from all over the world you will find good and bad.

It is the Islamic faith, the Koran, Sharia law that tends (and that is putting it as mildly as i can)
influences people in a negative way.
That it is incompatible with our constitution is obvious to anyone seeking the truth.
“Islam is incompatible with the laws and principles of the United States “| Opinion | Lifesitenews
I guess in these days the ten commandments and the teachings of Christ are also” incompatibly with the laws and principles of the United States” We have lost our principles and sense of sin a long time ago. Our nation has had Muslims in it since the 60’s if not longer. Terrorists are against the law of God, like – thou shall not kill. But we have been terrorists legally to the unborn since 1973. And we mock God with our laws regarding marriage — We are sadly ripe for a take over of the Muslim way of life because of our lack of faith and morals. Our youth want to reach for higher realities and the Muslim religion may be just what they will turn to. And we can blame ourselves for not living what Christ has asked of us as a people of God and as a Nation. Even many of our churches have lost the sense of mystery. Maybe if there where more Eastern Catholic churches around our youth might find in them the mystery and beauty of the Divine Liturgy — sadly the mass, we experience due to poor implementations of Vatican ll, is not very attractive or mysterious. But God works through our mess which is amazing and a miracle. Pray for our youth because they deserve better than what we have given them – we have given them the culture of death. God have mercy on the USA and on Europe which most likely has done the same.
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She was/is amazing. I was first introduced to her while visiting my parents when they were alive, and 60 minutes was on with the documentary about this extraordinary young woman, so so brave in the face of such a harsh society. She is a huge advocate for women’s education within the muslim community…You can find information on her anywhere you look, she is inspiring and would be a fine example of what her faith should aspire to look like.
Islam is incompatible with the laws and principles of the United States | Opinion | Lifesitenews
To make this argument, you have to convince me that the United States still has principles; this is not an easy task. President Trump has made progress in that with the help of some good advisers. That would include moving from full pro-choice to refusing to fund abortionists, and from “Bomb the s__t out of them”, to calling off a military strike for concern about proportionate response. The left is so progressive that they are progressing until they go over the cliff completely.
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